#ulog (Life @ 001): Special Day With a Very Special Person

in #ulog6 years ago (edited)

A Special Day Deserves A Special Trend which is ULOG

I was been like almost 2 weeks off from Steemit since I have been too busy with my studies. But here I am again, back on track. I was contemplating on how must I start again. I am currently being followed by 496 amazing Steemians but they probably forgotten me since I've been gone for too long.

As I was scrolling and reading some blogs, I bumped in to an interesting TREND. Even my friends post it on daily basis. I searched for the source of this self-education for self-worth and then I finally got to where it started. I WAS RIGHT! It is sir Terry's work and it is raising and making us realize somethings we ourselves haven't found within us yet. I bet this is also for world adjustment.

This is my #ulog (Life @ 001) since I'll be sharing my LIFE with you all. This is not a typical day for me since this day deserves a celebration.

To whom is this day all about?


In life, you'll find someone outside of the family who'll be a part of your life that will harness the sadness and will stretch the happiness. I call him as my MAUI. Do you remember the movie in titled MOANA? Then that is where you'll find MAUI.

HIM? Yes, he is a guy. He is my best buddy; my best friend; my partner in crime; my bully; my baobao. This day is not just for me but this is for the two of us. This day marks our 43rd monthsary. We have been through crazy ups and downs but still we're together and getting stronger.

Like every monthsary, we wake up at 12 o'clock in the dawn just to greet each other. Then just go back to sleep. After that, I woke up again at 7 o'clock in the morning. The dogs of our neighbor are barking which means the owner is at home already and that it is 7 A.M.

I started doing my chores at 8 A.M. and ended it up at 11 A.M. It is a coincidence that my phone rung.

Drum rolls!
🎶 Hey girl, you know you drive me crazy
One look puts the rhythm in my hand.
Still I do not understand why you hang around.
I see what's going down. 🎸

Face Down by The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus is my ALARM


I immediately run to the shower! After that, I put on my togs and beautify my self. It was exactly 2 P.M. when he arrived at my abode. We then rode on a v-hire that was bound to SM-Cebu.

The frist thing we did is to eat. This may sound funny but we can spend the whole day together by eating in restaurants. Hahaha. We were too thin before we met each other and now we are doubled in size!


We ordered these foods on McDonalds. While eating, we were planning for what we are going to do for the whole afternoon. I suggested for us to watch movies, while he suggested for us to shop. We then laughed. I do not know but somehow even without words, when we look into each others eyes we kind of understand what the other person thinks. We ended up on deciding to watch movie first. After watching the movie, we decided to stay on Bo's Coffee for a little while.


@ Bo's Coffee


We ordered our faves. We have this kind of agreement that whenever we are in Bo's Coffee, we are to do our own things and not to cuddle. It is to give some time for ourselves. So he ended up playing Mobile Legend and I was typing this blog. Other people may think "That couple is a mess, they don't talk to each other hence, they are facing their phones", "What kind of couple are they? They seem to not value their time together." But we have no time in explaining ourselves to them. I grew up being around with boys and as time goes by, I kind of understand that they don't want to be choked. Boys have this mindset to want freedom and have fun. That is why many relationships failed because boys do not try to understand that girls want attention. Thus, girls do not try to understand that boys want freedom as well. I BELIEVE that if you love somebody; just love him and do not change him; just love him and do not stop him from living. I do not want my man to think I am a girl that is too clingy. Boys love girls that are sweet but remember that too much is still bad. And as a human, you yourself should give time and attention to yourself and to the things you want to do without any interference from other people. IT IS NOT BEING A MESS, IT IS LIVING.

@ The Mall


After half an hour, we walked around the mall checking out something we want to buy. Have you ever experienced wanting to buy something but tend to tell yourself "I guess I would want something else" but ends up on deciding with nothing? Hahahahha. Isn't it crazy? I REALLY AM A GIRL! Hahaha. I walked all over the place but still do not know what I wanted to buy but my boyfriend just looked at a pair of shoes and TADAAAA, he bought it. Do girls indecisive or boys just really don't care? Hey there are lots of things I think you'll want to buy! But what you see first is what you buy first! This is unfair! Hahahahhaha.


@ Zark's Burgers


It was already 7 o'clock in the evening. Before we decided to go home, we were too hungry to not eat. He ordered for a Luther Bruger it has double cheeseburger with two sliced bacons on a honey glazed doughnut. Jawbreaker was what I ordered, it has triple cheese burger with spam and bacon with overflowing cheese sauce on top. Honestly they were too big and I even got full though I only ate half of mine. And as for him, he enjoyed his meal but I do not get why he liked that. I do not liked the taste of what he ordered because the doughnut is too sweet but the burger itself contrasts to the doughnut's flavor. But since everyone of us were born uniquely from each other, for that I THINK I AM JUST TOO UNIQUE. Hahahha.

Remember: knowing yourself more is a stepping stone for self-love; and self-love grows you

this is @sissyjill at your service

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