New Job?

in #ulog5 years ago

Now that we have relocated to the Midwest, where all of the world's evil comes to roost, is our life any better? Depends...
it is better in one way, worse in another.

The good news, in spite of Larry's performance, we at least get a roof over our head and a cupboard full of cancer causing foods. This is, of course, in exchange for hard labor over 12 hour days, every single day. The hours are killing Larry. Not even my snuggle powers are enough to eliminate all of the pain.

Bad news, no time for art or anything else creative for that matter. Seems we were lied to about the ease of this job. Maybe during non-harvest hours, he will only have to put in 2-4 hours in a day. Until that happens, it is trimming for about 12 hours in the darkest parts of night. It is like the day/night system from Simon's Quest.

Mr. Dreamtree misses family, another bad. He had it all in Idaho Falls. A home, family and a roommate/mom who would constantly bitch at him for not having money. Still, having all of that free time to create allowed Larry to create. Now what? No family to visit makes sticking to this new job really hard.

Wish us the best. Wish that Larry finds true happiness someday. He took this path because he thought it would make him happy... how wrong we were.

Much Love

Lucy Sage Dreamtree

PS Where are my trolls?

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