Grow Food, Humans....

in #ulog4 years ago

Yup, the shit is hitting the fan! This shutdown, coupled with the "attacks" on our agriculture industry over the past few years, will be causing global food shortages.

If you have money for land, buy some, then use that land to plant crops and raise animals. If you don't, you will starve to death. I won't feel sorry for you, either. You were all repeatedly warned about this...

If you don't have money for land, then you are pretty much fucked, my friend. Maybe, just maybe, you can befriend some farmer out there and provide your energy to his operation in exchange for the food produced. Good luck with that, with such short supply, I can imagine humans being quite greedy about their resources.

Unite, share resources. Avoid any assistance from the Government. They want us dependant on them so they can take all of our property away and institute socialism. If you see FEMA, avoid them. Ask not for their help. Talk your police and military friends and family about quitting their jobs, so that they cannot be used against the common good. If you see UN armies, shoot them. If you see drones, peacefully ignore them, for they are programmed to respond to your fear of them. This last one is theoretical but, probably much safer than shooting at a machine that is programmed to be 100% accurate with it's gun.

This shit is forreal and to avoid it is a death sentence to be sure.

#stayhome #shutdown #covid-19 #agenda21 #vaccines #fema #2020

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