Digital Collage and Lonely Feelings

in #ulog6 years ago

Winter Sucks

Being homeless was fun for Larry in the Summertime, as the daylight lasts a lot longer and there is a lot more to do for free when the sun be a shinin'. However, now that it is Winter and the days are short, it gets a tad dark and lonely after 5pm. What would you do at camp by yourself for 4-6 hours before you go to sleep when it is cold and windy? Make videos? lol...

Dreamtree, Dark and Lonely Times...

Concerning Social Media... we never needed it. For it is just a glorified emailing system with extra bells and whistles attached to it. There is no reason why we cannot mass communicate, or treat something like Youtube like we do with Facebook. It has the ability to like and comment.

Now, Time for some Digital Art!

Larry doesn't do too much digital art. When he does he takes a different approach. This is a photo of one of his former band mates from the now defunct reggae band, Aisle of View. He turned the photo into something that looks like a collage made of shredded paper. It is called, "Creator Within A Collaged Creation". Blue skinned beings, again? Obsess much, Larry?

Creator Within A Collaged Creation.JPG

Much Love, Yo!

Lucy Sage Dreamtree

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Sorry for the confusion. Larry is the artist but, that is not his real name. Our introduction post clearly stated that Larry Sage Dreamtree and Lucy Sage Dreamtree are the pen-names for the writings of artist, Brandon Truster. It has to do with the two hemispheres of the brain. Also, Brandon is a fan of Dr. Thompson, who used different pen-names all the time. Larry+Lucy=Brandon. Brandon believes that we should be not named by our parents and should be allowed to choose our own names once we are old enough to understand ourselves. He came up with Larry Sage Dreamtree (LSD, Dreamtree=DMT) back in 2014 when his band was about to tour through a state where he had a warrant for his arrest for a misdemeanor. He told his band, "If we get pulled over, I am not Brandon, call me Larry Sage Dreamtree", lol. You will notice that writing responsibilities jump back and forth from Larry to Lucy every now and then. He writes better when wearing a "mask" as it were. Sorry for any confusion.

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