But It's Friday!

in #ulog5 years ago (edited)
Ya'll it has been forever since I worked a real Monday - Friday job, but aren't Fridays supposed to be FUN days? My first real Friday on the job is not turning out so good. Thank goodness I was smart enough to have @scottf make me coffee.

Taken with my cellphone.

I love that I was able to get a job where my husband works. It makes the travel there and back pretty nice enabling us to have some quiet talk time so we can talk about the little fuzzy butt child Cordie. She is a total handful and listens in on so many of our conversations. I often catch her staring at me for long periods of time. It is rather unsettling for sure.

Sometimes she is agrressively staring.
Taken with my cellphone.

Other times she acts like she wasn't.
Taken with my cellphone.

But I'm not fooled.
Taken with my cellphone.

She is so up to no good.
Taken with my cellphone.

But I DIGRESS like a drop in the ocean...

@Juliamulcahy see what I did there,
Thought you'd appreciate that one.

We chose to live 20 minutes from where we work because we wanted to be near the lake. It is always a wonderful drive in and we get beautiful views of the river like this.

Such a nice sunrise shot, should use it one Monday.
Taken with my cellphone.

Nice picture for sure with no motion blur. That's because our forward view was this.

Red brake lights for 2.5 miles and no one in Oklahoma knows how to zipper when they merge.
Taken with my cellphone.

One of the things that drive me crazy about driving is when there is a need to merge. Most people have no clue how merging should work. Here is a short video about how to merge in the most efficient manner.

Video is from the Alberta Motor Association's YouTube channel.

Unfortunately, many people who do not understand the art of merging get angry and try to keep every person trying to merge blocked out. I have seen some pretty childish behavior and many accidents because these road ragers are taking it all personal. It is not a race ya'll, we are all just trying to get to our destinations safely.

Screenshot of the newscast.
Visit the story HERE

this whole unfortunate accident has caused much havoc this morning. We have been late so I will miss 30 minutes of work, breakfast was a quick hit mess, and the dispatch radios are a total experiment in the chaos theory! Needless to say, this morning has not gone well.

photo 263 1266.jpg
Surely there is more fun to be had!
Taken with my cellphone.

What are your Fridays at work like? How do you deal with a workday morning that is in shambles? Do you have any funny stories that could help my day go better? If so, please feel free to share them in the comments. Trust me, I could use a good laugh.



