ULOG #8: Dealing with Tantrums

in #ulog6 years ago


Last night my daughter cried tantrum-ed herself to sleep. Can you imagine that? A whole day filled with lots of activities from cooking, to washing the dishes, feeding, bathing and attending to all her potty sessions, performing the duties of a reliable assistant during playtime, and all other significant activities necessary for our daily survival, finally ending with a battle between an extended playtime request versus standing my ground in establishing a routinary sleeptime.


She wanted to stay inside the box of toys. I wanted her to get on the bed because I had already cleaned her up and I don't want her getting all sweaty again because she wouldn't be able to sleep very well when she's dripping with sweat. Believe me, she's like a faucet of perspiration.

When I picked her out of the box, she threw a fit! When she figured I will not budge, not with her violent and loud reaction, she decided she'd use a different approach. I did not believe babies had the ability to play with your conscience, but last night, I experienced it first hand. She used the puppy eyes with quiet sobs style! She almost succeeded, I tell you!

After a few minutes of her plan B, when she realized I won't be moved by her "paawa" effect, she went back to shouting and kicking.


When she finally felt too tired to play, she fell asleep. I was looking at her while she was sleeping, I felt really bad about myself. Am I too heartless? Was I too harsh with her? You know how we sob when we cry ourselves to sleep? She did that! I hugged her very gently - and carefully not to wake her up - and whispered I love her and I'm sorry. I planted a soft kiss on her forehead. And she hugged me back. I had planned jn working on my deliverables last night but I couldn't leave my daughter's side last night. Not after making her feel bad before she slept, I can't. So now, I'll have to deal with all my pending work.


I realized last night that at some point, I cannot always be a friend and a hero to my daughter. Whether we both like it or not, I will be her antagonist, her enemy, the villain who will kill some of her joyous moments. But it has to be done. Rules and limitations need to be set. And it is my duty as a mom to implement them.

I remember how difficult I was to my mom when I was still young. I remember hating her to the bones when she says no. Now the hater will be the hated. I home I will be as strong as my mom when I need to.

God bless all moms for being able to deal with the difficult people in the world, especially a toddler who does not listen to reason.

If you're a husband reading this, help your wife, for crying out loud! If you're a teenager hating your mom, SHAME ON YOU!

If you're a mom reading this right now, you're doing great. Treat yourself to coffee or spa. You deserve a break. And always remember, You rock! And most importantly, you RULE!


Thank you for visiting my blog!


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Yes, being a mom is one of the hardest jobs in the world. Hope you had a good sleep and that today ends better than yesterday, @romeskie.

I remember when my two were young. They grow so quickly and then get so busy creating their own lives. The foundation and love you give your little girl now will serve her for her entire life. Cheering you on and cheering on all mothers and fathers around the world. May God Bless all children and parents and grandparents.

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It did. Well, it was not as teary as yesterday but still a lot better. Lol

I am enjoying every minute of her youth, actually. Even the tantrums part. You know what they say, they all grow up so fast. So we parents should cherish every childhood memory we can have with our kids. Cheers!

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