
Here it is rare for a home to keep chickens. I wish everyone was encouraged to grow their own food and raise animals here. We would be less dependent on corporations for our daily needs.

oh, you've just caught the words from my mouth;)
I was going to write it in the comments;)

Absolutely agree with you! It's my dream to have all food for my faimily cooked and even grown by ourselves. It's not only health and safety, but it's also freedom and independence, you're right. It's a great way to create your own small universe where you're free and far from this crazy world..

The post is great! I saw how it's done in villages (our relatives have chickens as well), but I've never experienced it by myself. Not so easy as it can seem!
#chickenbitchez is great and funny;)))
and yes, they can bite and hurt I know it;))

Thank you for writing @taliakerch, I love the work that you are doing and it sure sounds like we share similar values and hopes for life!

We are here a lot of rice fields, chicken coops, goats and cattle.

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