Bitcoin Education
Bitcoin Education
Most can’t see bitcoin because their opinions are in the way!!
Let your ego go, we can’t stop this, it has the potential to be a bigger disruption than the internet...
Take your time, and process this at your own pace, but remember bitcoin is not waiting for you!
Next year The amount of bitcoin that is released into circulation gets halved.
That means it becomes even more scarce.
At today’s value, we can mine 1800 brand new coins every 24hrs.
Next May the algorithm changes and we can only mine 900 brand new coins every 24hrs.
Every ten minutes bitcoin gets more scarce, and the value of each coin is becoming more precious.
You have a chance now to accumulate coins whilst the price is low.
After next year, we may never catch this price again!
Bitcoin is Digital Gold and will become the new global payment system of the world.
The only question is, are you ready?
Either way, you will have to learn about this at some stage, why not now?