
in #ulog2 years ago





  1. 过去分词短语做后置定语⽐较好掌握,也就是过去分词带有⾃⼰的副词或介词构成短语。少数时候带有逻辑主语的主语补⾜语。

The story well known to us all is Sima Guang.

The snake killed in the field was picked up by a boy.

The book written by Lu Xun is taught in class.

The boy called Tom is my brother.

  1. 单个的过去分词⼀般只能做前置定语,很少做后置定语。

  2. 但是某些单个的过去分词可以做后置定语;学习⽅法是:记住某些少数单词;有时同⼀个过去分词既能做前置定语,也能做后置定语,但是含义有区别。

(given used adopted concerned gained left received seen heard shown provided)

The boats used are beautifully painted and decorated with flowers of all colors.


This is a used cell phone. 这是⼀部旧⼿机




the developed countries 发达国家; (the developing countries发展中的国家)

well-trained policemen 训练有素的警察

man-made satellites ⼈造卫星;

invited people  被邀请的⼈

We only sell used books. 我们只卖⽤过的书。


  1. 名词前有only,very,the first,the last等词或有形容词最⾼级时,分词放在名词后。

This is the farthest place seen.这是能看到的最远地⽅。

That is the very thing wanted .那正是所需要的东西。

This is the only machine required.这是唯⼀需要的机器。

  1. 在there be句型中,分词放在名词后。

There was no time left. 剩下了没有时间了。

There are some students injured.有⼀些学⽣受伤了。

  1. 分词修饰代词时,放在代词后。

Who is the one killed?被杀的那⼈是谁?


  1. The method used is very efficient(运⽤的,使⽤的)

  2. This is a used bike.(旧的)


  1. The glass broken by my son has been swept away. 被我⼉⼦打破的玻璃已经扫⾛了。

  2. Hangzhou, known to the nation for its West Lake, has changed greatly. 以西湖闻名全国的杭州已发⽣很⼤变化。

(Hangzhou, which is known to the nation for its West Lake, has changed greatly.)

  1. This will be the best novel of its kindread by me.

  2. The book, written in 1957, tells the struggle of the miners.

  3. All the broken windows (=All the windows that were broken) have been repaired.


  1. In autumn there are many fallen leaves (=many leaves that have fallen) on the ground. 秋天地上有许多落叶。

  2. The Town Hall completed in the 1800’s was the most distinguished building at that time.

  3. “Things lostnever come again!” I couldn’t help talking to myself.

  4. Five people won the “Chinas Green Figure” award (“绿⾊中国年度⼈物奖”), a title given to ordinary people for their contributions to environmental protection.

  5. There have been several new events added to the program for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.

  6. The repairs cost a lot, but it’s the moneywell spent.

  7. The speaker answered all the questions raised by the audience.

  8. Make sentences using the words given. Do you know the boy lying under the big tree?

  9. The woman selling vegetables has gone

  10. Did you attend the meeting held yesterday ?

  11. The road was covered with fallen leaves.

  12. This is a book written by a famous Chinese writer.

  13. We must keep a secret of the thingsbeing discussed here.

  14. The telegram sent by my sister brought the news of my dear grandma's death.

  15. Let’s try the bookstore opened last month.

  16. Nine out of ten women interviewed about the product said they liked it.

  17. The three guns stolen from the police stations were found in the house.

  18. I don't like going to supermarkets located in the centre of the town.

  19. You will have chances to improve your spokenEnglish in the courses provided.

  20. There is no more time left.



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