in #ulog6 years ago (edited)

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    There is nowhere like home. Although no one want to stay in a particular place for a long period of time without leaving his or are location to see amazing things in other places nevertheless no matter how cool or nice the place may be, home can never be jettisoned, but a place to return to. After a couple of months, I left home for school, leaving family and friends, including my best food "pounded yam" for a stressful place where I leave my hostel as early as possible for class and return back been tired in most occasion, which makes rice the best option every night. For it is stress free compared to other food and it only require few minutes for it to be fully cooked.
On 26th of May I wrote my final exam for the semester, although the holiday for first semester break is always a short one but what came into my mind immediately after the final exam was the fastest way I can finish everything that needed to be dealt with by me before going home. I work very hard with the motive of getting everything that needs my attention done.

    At last, “I am through with everything that has been keeping me waiting,” I said to myself, I became nervous about my sweet home, I start parking my load instantly so that I will be able to leave for home as fast as possible. I woke up as early as 5 o clock to get myself prepared for the journey. I left my hostel as early as 7am so that I may get home as fast as possible. I don’t leave as early as that only for the reason of getting home on time but I also left my hostel early because I hate travelling when its noon.
    On getting to the bus stop, I was unable to get a direct bus to my town, the only option I have is to board a bus heading towards my state capital (Ado-Ekiti) before I could get a bus going to my town. I got home around 11am. My father was very happy to see me for he was the only one I meet at home. Since my mother has left home for her shop and my brothers as left home for their various schools.
    After warm greetings, I ask for where my mother kept my food because I don’t joke with my stomach o, you and food, my father replied. He pointed his hand toward the dining table where I saw a plate of rice, chicken and fried plantain. I was very happy when I saw it for it as been long I had the opportunity to lay my hands on such food. Even before getting a spoon for myself I have been salivating, I can’t but get the spoon as fast as possible despite the fact that I am yet to change my cloth. After I finish my meal, I took my bag to my room and change my cloth.
    Afterward, I wanted cold water for I was sweeting after the meal, I went to where the fridge is, open it. what I saw made me forget I went there to get cold water, I did nothing but bounce on the mangoes in the refrigerator, I quickly pick four mangos, sat down and devour them one after the other. If I am to talk about all what I ate within few hours of my arrival, you will call me a glutton but I prefer to keep the rest to myself rather than to be known as a glutton, I only like food but I always do my best not to be noted to be a glutton. I ate to my satisfaction today, for I have more than enough to eat at home. No wonder people used to say” home sweet home” my home is really a sweet place to be.

Thank you for spending your time reading my post, I am grateful

Compiled by @oluwashinaayomi


Hi, @oluwashinaayomi.
I fully understand you, because I recently had the same wonderful experience.
Returning home, home, is a great joy.
Enjoy a lot with your family.
It has been nice to read you.

Wao, i am very glad to see someone who understand how i feel. Thanks a lot.

You are welcome. Happy day.

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I can relate with that feeling, I'm usually nostalgic whenever I'm far away from home. And then only a few thing beat that feeling when you know you'll be going home from school or any other place in a few days. No one can stop you from counting down.

Lol, not only counting down, but i will keep saying it day after day as the day approaches

It's amazing how a smell or flavor instantly conjures up memories and feelings, no?

Enjoyed your post.

Namaste, JaiChai

Even my stomach will sense it that i am at home, for i eat anything eatable now o. Lol

Home is where the fun is

the happiness that you have in your home is incredible, even when there are thousands of difficulties and limitations, that will be your best place, it is wonderful to believe and continue loving your home, have passion for your roots, show that you are a great person.

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