ULOG: Ulog + Photography = Ulography #9: The beautiful sunset of my beautiful village El Pilar - Venezuela.

in #ulog6 years ago

Hello to all my dear friends of #uloggers and #ulographers, I hope you have a nice day, and be like me, adiptos to your #ulographs, this time I want to share with you my novena # ulografía. It is about this beautiful photo that I take in my town, this view is from the front of my house and sometimes we live in a place so long that we get used to it and we do not appreciate its beauty totally. But today the day dawned completely cloudy and the sun struggled with the rain to shine and sitting on the outskirts of my house I was observing the landscape that was drawn and I saw once again the beauty of my small and humble town.


That is why I decided to take this picture and share it with you because I am proud of the place I was born and I have grown up and I wanted to share it with great pride.


Well amifgos I hope you liked my #ulography 9 and that you enjoy this beautiful landscape as much as I do. Until my next # ulography. Remember that we are not professional photographers, but we are #ulographers and it is great.

This picture was taken from my Samsung J3 in my small but beautiful town El Pilar in the state of Sucre - Venezuela, I hope you like the stories I share in my #ulography.

This post was made from https://ulogs.org

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