ULOG: Ulog + Photography = Ulography #5: Small waterfall las chorreras, in my beautiful town El Pilar Estado Sucre - Venezuela

in #ulog6 years ago

Hello my dear #uloggers I hope you are well, and have a nice day, today I want to share with you my #ulography number 5, in which I want to show you the beauties of my town a place that although it is small and of humble people it has beautiful nature Immense and lovely people.


This photo that I share with you today is taken in an outing with friends to a place called las chorreras which is after a very popular river called aguas calientes, very famous for its thermal waters.


These beautiful waterfalls or waterfalls are a unique and unforgettable landscape and although the trip is long and somewhat tiring, it is worth it, because getting to this beautiful place and being able to breathe the pure and fresh air of nature is something that is priceless. and next to friends who are the best company is much better.


I hope you like my #ulography #5 and how beautiful the landscape is. until my next #ulography friends.

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