ULOG: #51: The calamities that we Venezuelans have to travel.

in #ulog6 years ago

Hello my dear #steemians and #uloggers, I hope you are well and have a nice day, today I want to talk about something that has become a complete torture for Venezuelans, it is about traveling either by negicos, work, health or pleasure in Some time in our lives we decided to do it. Previously in my country travel apart from being a necessity for some circumstance was something truly pleasant, as you know Venezuela is a country rich in beauty and natural monuments for which we can admire anywhere we go, but because of the situation we live today Thanks to the bad policy used by its rulers, travel has become a real headache.


There are many reasons for this, one of the main is the lack of cash and vehicles working in passenger terminals, as they claim something that is very true the high cost of living in Venezuela every day we suffocate more and have hyperinflation is ending with what little we have, you can not get rubbers, batteries and other accessories of great importance for the cars and if you get it at a price that we can only pay little, the lack of cash which is a big problem for those who decided to leave our homes, because due to so many monetary reconversions made by the government and which have served no purpose they have made the money even more scarce making many take advantage of this and collect the tickets twice or even triple its value just for making the payment in bank transfers.

And last but not least is the great problem of insecurity that currently lives in the roads, because the roads have become lonely and desolate and many have taken advantage of this situation to rob and steal the few cars that dare to travel, without counting the fact of looting and stealing trucks and cavas that transport food that has become a war between drivers and community.

Like the endless hours we spent on the road due to the constant protests and strikes of different communities from all corners of the country due to the lack of services such as electricity, water, lack of food among other things.

All this makes me every day more to miss that beautiful, free and sovereign Venezuela of many years ago, of that prosperous and productive Venezuela of which we felt proud, and makes me ask God every day to help us out of In this situation, we can change our reality and show the world how valuable and beautiful our land is.

This post was made from https://ulogs.org


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