One day these images will make me cry. 😢

in #ulog6 years ago (edited)

Off the record - I can be a very emotional person (just don't tell anyone as I have to keep my street cred at a certain level). I get disappointed with myself when I cry at the end of stupid movies like Avatar - and not the good one by James Cameron - but the bad one Avatar The Last Airbender. LOL Well at least I don't cry at silly commercials! 😜

As a follow up to yesterday's post - it's official. My wife and I are the proud owners of a new 2018 Honda CRV EX-L! It's a big deal as cars are a huge investment. Not only that, it's something that's a necessity in our modern day world as it's something we rely on a daily basis. Have you ever had a crappy car and need to go somewhere far? It's pretty scary right?!

All that being said it wouldn't have been possible without the help of a dear family friend Helen and my Mom. As a photographer (and as someone who's sentimental) I like to document my life. And given the fact today was a big day I wanted to be sure I take some photos with my "good camera". I was documenting the past few days with my cellphone but I wanted to make sure to get a few "good ones" with my "real camera".

About an hour ago I was transferring the photos from my card to my laptop and when I saw this image it struck a chord with me as it was very symbolic.


My mom is in the foreground and that's my wife in the background. It wasn't a posed shot and they were just looking off into yonder. Now what this symbolizes - I don't know, I'm kinda at a loss for words. But I'm sure in the future I'll be able to verbalize the symbolism here. However looking at it now it's very powerful to me.

I didn't want to look like a crazy person setting up a tripod and a camera in front of the dealer as it'd look kinda weird and neurotic. I'm sure many people watching would think to themselves why don't I just hand my camera off and have the salesman take it?

But the way I have it setup with back-button focus and having to chose the focus point, etc, etc, it'd take me 5 minutes to train someone to get the shot. Plus I've found when you hand a camera off to someone - it always comes out crazy - which is why I bring a tripod and set it up the way I envision the shot.

As a sidenote - here's the photo the salesman took with my cellphone:


For me there's too much dead space on the left and right and it's always best to "fill the frame". But I'll chalk it up as authentic as it's what I got at the moment.

So instead of taking an awkward tripod shot in front of the dealer I decided to head to Nahant beach which was 10 minutes away...



Down the road (no pun intended) I know I'll be getting (more) emotional when I look at these images as it was one of those days that will stick with me for life.

If you've made it this far - thanks for checking this post out and for allowing me to share this special moment with you guys!




its funny how, when you make the image, you are thinking oh, nice...
and then, later, it's so much more meaningful. It strikes you. Deeper.

It happens to me, often enough!

That's so true. Sometimes when shooting weddings or at an event, it's happened where I took the last "nice" photo of someone.

As corny as it may sound it's another reason I don't take photography lightly.

Thanks for stopping by! ✌️

Dang such a cute post. Hey everyone will take pictures that they love and look back at them in years and years and get emotional over them. What you used to look like, how little your daughter was, how you felt at that moment. A very heart felt post, nothing you would lose street cred over hahaha I fact you would gain it on steem for being genuine! Thanks so much for being open with us!

Posted using Partiko Android

Hey thanks for taking the time to let me know your thoughts!

Truth be told I felt compelled to "put this out there" today while I was still in the midst of emotions.

Truth be told I had to stop a few times as mom and Helen were in front of me watching a movie and it was hard not to get misty eyed. But this was one of those posts that - for whatever reason I wanted to get done today.

Thanks again for taking the time to read and comment on this post as at least I now know at least 1 person out there got something from it.


Great post @mikeycolon! I really enjoyed reading it and just those few words told me that you are a good guy!

You're too kind. Plus I just checked out your blog and holy moly! All I can say is keep on clicking! 📸

Ha, Thanks Buddy!

I never trust the camera with civilian hands. Call me superstitious, it just gives me bad vibes.

I never trust the camera with civilian hands. Call me superstitious, it just gives me bad vibes.

You couldn't have said it any better! Love the "civilian hands" part! 😂

Sometimes random shots convey our emotions that can not be forgotten. They are etched in our memory for a lifetime. Thank you for such a touching post :)

Thanks for leaving your thoughts. On the flipside - sometimes photos make a memory!

Great memories of depth in there. whole pics are great ❤😊❤

Thanks. The best camera is the one you have on you!

Congratulations on the new car! I know what you mean about having a reliable car. I drive a 20-year-old Kia Sportage! It is the only car here that I can reliably get parts for and do the repairs myself! Nothing wrong with being sentimental! I look at photos taken 40 years ago and I become an emotional wreck!

Wow! You must live in a remote part of Canada. 20 years is a long time - but if it works - it works!

I no longer live in Canada. I live in Nicaragua! The new war zone...

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