Why Do I Try? Ulog - Sunday Aug 5, 2018

in #ulog6 years ago (edited)


WHY, I ask you?!

Meredith Loughran blogs on Steemit

Can you feel my face?

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It is said that the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Failure on day 2 of the #monthlyauthorchallenge, otherwise known as MAC sounds like failure before it even began! What the hell? My intention was to post every single day this month and what happened?

Good intentions. pffft!

Seems that every time I have good intentions and set a goal, some crazy, out-of-my-hands event decides to fuck it all up.

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You can read lips, right?


It was Thursday night and I was getting settled in for the night. Just as I was editing my post I saw a blinding white light and...

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Thank you, Florida storms.

Not Thursday's storm but a lightning capture that I made with my Canon Powershot SX1 iS

I literally felt the concussion of the lightning bolt as it hit the back yard. Funny thing - the lights didn't go out but the internet did. We did all the troubleshooting and came to the conclusion that the modem was blown. After being on hold for nearly an hour with the service provider they came to the same conclusion and gave us a choice: 1. Wait for a service technician, which could take up to a week, or 2. Take the modem back and get a replacement. Guess which option I chose?


Friday morning we get to the local cable station and there was a line going from the building to the parking lot. I have to say that I was very impressed with them because even at 9 in the morning, the sun was beating, it was hot and humid. They had chairs set up in the shade with a cooler full of ice-cold water bottles. They had an associate go down the line taking names of people so they didn't fear losing their place in line to sit down.

Got home, plugged in and everything was working fine. I was able to get caught up with some work but my son was out of his room hovering over me to help troubleshoot his computers. Systematically - Painstakingly - we made sure the wires were okay. Then we tested for software issues and finally decided it was a hardware issue.

If you've ever dealt with an Aspie then you would know that we get ultra-sensitive to changes in the routine. It's bad enough when I have to deal with my own neurosis, but add my son's hovering and borderline tantrum and I want to start breaking shit. Really. And he doesn't stop until he's reached a satisfactory conclusion to calm himself down and slink back to his room.

It was a whole day of arguing, pulling his computer apart, troubleshooting and more arguing while still trying to get some work done! It took everything I had to remain calm and not have my own tantrum. Bottom line - I ordered the only thing that would work: A USB to LAN adapter and pray that he stays out of my hair until it's delivered because I can't take the stress of a hovering man-child!

Just doing it

As far as I'm concerned, "good intentions" can take a hike. I cannot stress over the things which I have no control over. This means I will try my best. If that means I have to miss a day or two, so be it.

all images are my own unless otherwise cited

Meredith Loughran builds websites

Check out my site for a growing list of Steemit Challenges & Cool Links


Murphy's law is it? Or just life.... I am constantly fighting this battle as I intend to do a great many things, and well... you can guess how that goes.

I have to say that the new #actifit app has me posting at least once a day with a recap of my daily activities. It is something and it is daily since i put a reminder in my calendar every night at 9pm to post. Who cares how many steps, it is at least a daily post.

We call that Loughran Law. Sometimes I think it trumps Murphy's Law. LOL
I'm thankful for Steepshot because that is an app that I can use every day. Problem with my iPhone is that it's not connected to a service; just wifi. So when the internet goes out, I'm done. Ah well -- here's to picking our battles. 😛

Oaky...so I guess that answers my question :)

I struggle with any deviation from routine too - I don't process change well at all - just ask Deb - or maybe not, she's taking a steemit break and trying to persuade me to do the same.

I'm hedging my bets - I've started powering down but who knows, the site may be reborn and come back as it was before the last hardfork that was meant to improve it and gave birth to a whole host of other problems that are plaguing us now...But don't let me spoil your return, lol, because it may be a happy one :)

It might be a bad time to power down now, big monies coming :)

My Steemit break was more work-related than anything. After spending so many hours on the computer doing stuff for other people, it's hard to shave back time to focus on one's own creativity.

I don't even know what changes there have been - or even what fork I may have left on so I don't really notice anything different except that a lot of the people I regularly followed seem to be inactive.

I do know that hopefully in the next update (if enough witnesses get on board) we will have the ability to edit old posts. I cannot wait for that!

I'm back to powering UP my account because my power downs allowed my husband and I to finally move out of the crappy rat & roach infested trailer into a much nicer home. I think that alone will endear Steemit to my heart always. :) So, short story long (lol) - yeah, I'm back and working my way back to being a dolphin again.

Hate those days @merej99 , I really feel for you! they seem to happen to me quite often lately.Hope everything is working good for you all now and your sons computer is fixed, like you said all we can do is try our best. 💕✌👍

Sometimes it feels like the domino effect. This too shall pass. POSITIVE VIBES


Yes I try in all area of my life now to stress-LESS! I am just getting too bloody old to do anything else! I am not saying I got it down 100%, but life is too short!

On the outside I'm cool as a cucumber. On the inside, my guts are in a twist and it's causing white hairs to sprout! I can say this: I've earned every damned one of them.

Srry to read you have really bad days, but I agree with you: you can't stress over that things you can't control. Sometimes to miss a day or two is not a big problem when you did all your best ;)

Thank you, Silvia. It feels like a bigger blow because I've been away from Steemit for so long that it really has become a serious goal to post at least one thing every day. I'm still struggling with short form posts because of my "snobby" writing ways LOL but I'm getting over that.

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