I don't like driving but...

in #ulog6 years ago

Those who know me personally know that I don't really like driving. You see, I live in a city with millions of people who learned how to drive in their home countries and as much as I love culture diversity, I don't love cultural driving diversity. Yes, I said it, there are plenty of countries where turn signals are not a thing.

As you might imagine this usually angers me, more so because my security has been put at risk plenty of times. Needless to say it's not fair to generalize, but for the most part this seems to be true.

Today however, I have to drive, I have no choice. I'm going about one hour south to miami to pickup some merchandise I sold, and of course in pursuit of the mighty dollar, I must relinquish my disdain for the wheel and face traffic for 3 hours at least.

Before you think I'm crazy you should know I've probably driven as much as a truck driver over the years. I've taken more than three cars to above 200k miles, crossed the continent and did the whole touring thing. Yes, I've driven a lot, hence why I know I don't like it.

But, here I go again.... on the road...

like the song


Well, if you're driving to Miami then this song is required listening:

The I-95 song.

hellz yaaaaaaaaaa!! hahahahhah

This song chosen based on personal experience driving from Boca Notar to Miami and back for years. Glad you liked the tune. LOL!

@meno I live in NW Washington and all of the turn signal light bulbs in all the cars are burned out!🙃
Then the cars on side roads start rolling forward before you pass them, so scary you don’t know if they are going to pull out in front of you!
Have a safe road trip!👍

Crazy people on the road🙃

I've taken more than three cars to above 200k miles

Please explain..!!

dood bro? are you alive?

Little bit. .

Due to my issue with disorientation I was not found fit to drive, I would have loved the freedom it provides, but even being a co-pilot I'm aware no matter how well you drive your saftely also relies on trusting others will do their job well which it's not... still I was not given the choice... sometimes I dream I drive though LOL which is weird

dont worry Pris... self driving cars are soon going to be a thing, you watch!

been waiting long for that, hope not to be too old then... there is the technology also for electric cars and it's taken so slowwwwwww

Dude the driving here is on another level of terrible. There are no rules except the bigger vehicle wins. No one looks behind them ever. Lines and signs are a cruel joke. The only signal is a constant horn blast.

It's kind of awesome if you like racing video games, but also horrible if you value your safety.

Earplugs and eyes in the back of your head are a must as a pedestrian.

Posted using Partiko iOS

I often dream about living in a farm just because of this

True true... I can't stand drivers that can't be bothered using their indicators.... If nothing else it is just a courtesy to broadcast your intentions!

For me, the most annoying driving thing is the driver that pulls out into your lane without taking any relative speed differences into account...

people that cut me off... omg, i do feel the hatred.

Oh yes! South Florida driving... It is crazy to consider that I have seen so many overturned cars in the highway down here than I have every seen in my driving experience. Sometimes I cannot even explain it!

florida is crazy in 1000 ways... hahahah

HAhaha, crazy driver.

I sometimes like driving. Depends on the environment and how much days I've driven before.

nah dude... unless there is no one in the road, i dont like it

I'm ready for autonomous cars so I can sleep or at least ignore the idiots driving around me while I'm running errands. I'll take the risk of a system crash followed by a vehicle crash.

yes, that sounds like heaven to me, right?

Actually, Google maps took me down a horrendous series of country roads in redneck territory this afternoon instead of using highways...

Narrow, winding, hilly roads in the middle of nowhere... It got stressful toward the end because I had no idea or familiarity with my surroundings...

Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo... I'd definitely need to pre-program every step of a self-driving car. The default navigation seems to be dragging me through impoverished rural backwaters as a way to troll on me.

hahahahhaha fair enough

Living in a suburb of Cleveland, I drive pretty much every day. The last time I used public transportation was when I visited Toronto for the Steem Creators conference.

It was nice because the underground subway always took me right to my destination area. But yeah, I feel your pain Meno. I especially don’t like it when people honk from behind after a light turns green an I happened to take a extra second to start moving.

But hey, it beats waking, right?

Posted using Partiko iOS

yeah... they forget cars are solids at times.

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