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RE: An Unhealthy Response to a Healthy Dare Ulog 41

in #ulog6 years ago

oh my gos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You both crack the early chicken out of me!!! I was sooo curious what heck are you ranting about here then my nossy nose lead me to @tamala's post! I burst to laughter that it awaken my sleeping baby!!! hahahahahahahaha you both are unbelievably funny!!

I cant imagine how @tamala followed your recipe and keep ranting about it! hahahahahaha and yet you were right there the whole time she was making it!!! it was double the nightmare hahahahahahahha

im so sorry!!! I couldnt stop laughing!!!

Miss @dreemsteem i should have scanned your ingredients too!! my eyes went wide open on the 2 cups pepper flakes!!!! hahahahaha i feel your burn @tamala!!!!!


TWO AND A HALF CUPS @maquemali! Can you even imagine? WHAT was I thinking????

Epic recipe fail ...EPIC!

I'm sorry we woke your sweet baby (see @dreemsteem! we woke up her baby!)

Do give the baby lots of hugs and kisses from us and DON'T TRY THE KIMCHI - your baby needs its mother!

hahahahahahahhahahaha i will eat some kimchi but i wont be making them for sure!!!!

i agree it was super EPIC FAIL!!!! I thought it only happens in CAKES.. I did not imagine it on KIMCHI!!!! hahahaha

@dreemsteem look how you made @tamala traumatic of your kimchi recipe hahaha

Wrong!!!! I made this recipe and make it all the time! It's so good!!!!! Hahahahhahaha

it was epic fail for @tamala hahahahaha... you should have sent us your KIMCHI instead of us making them from scratch! hahahahahaha

Lololol well I tried to tell her hehehheehe

But she had her own vision 😂😂😂😂😂

hahahahaha i was laughing so hard on your DM hahahaha you kept arguing and yet she pushed it through still!

Eat the kimchi!!!! It's healthy! Hahahahhaha

NOT 2 cups!!!

2.5 cups!!!!

And it's NOT too hot! They are KOREAN pepper flakes hahahahaha

She got the wrong kind lololol

hahahaahahha oh sorry i stand corrected..

you should have mention to stick to the right ingredients and no substitutes!!

you made my day!!! hahahaha

Hahahahahahhahaa well now I guess she knows 😂😂😂😂

hahahahaha she learned the burn way

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