#Ulog ~ 4 ~ I Finally Started Weeding the Gardens!

in #ulog6 years ago (edited)

After a Spring of Epic Procrastinating...


I found my gardening gloves (no Earthing for me this time) and set to pulling weeds. @PhoenixWren, you would have been so proud of your girl out there with her big girl gloves on, dressed completely appropriately for the first time in a decade!


I decided to tackle the garden that, for the last 2 years, we grew carrots in. This year I'm rotating the crop and growing beans and squash instead.




I got about 8/10ths of it done.


It's all about just starting. I have been a bad procrastinator this year, partially because I was hoping we would be moving, and now that I see we will be here for another growing season I will get my garden done. It starts piece by piece, step by step. As long as I keep taking the little steps each day, I can do this.


I still cannot believe I was programmed to hate these beautiful flowers. When I grew up these yellow delights were seen as disgusting eyesores that had to be destroyed. Now that we know better, I look at them as the miracles that they are.

All of the bees, butterflies and even flies that I see enjoying them makes me cringe thinking I used to pull these. And talk about a waste of energy too! Uprooting all of those dandelions would have taken me a week. So leave your dandelions for Heaven's Sake! It's good for everyone and everything.


I have a lot more digging and weeding to do over by that apple tree. Yeah...we're not gonna go look over there right now. It's taken on a mind of its own...there are plants, seedlings from last year's crops, weeds, flowers...I'm just going to focus next on the last 2/8ths of this garden you saw today, and maybe move over to the front lawn garden later this week.

That concludes my #ulog of the day. I'm still feeling pretty drained energetically yet moving forward, even if slowly, is still progress. Thank you for being a part of my journey! <3 Much Love I have for you #SteemFam <3


My son picks a few dandelions out for his mother every time we go for a walk!

Aw, what a little sweetie pie <3 <3 <3

Good to have a large plot of land to plant. When I lived with my mom we had a house with land and planted many bushes. Now that I am married, we live in an apartment and I only have a beautiful indoor shrub. and in the windows we have chives and rosemary to cook, but I can not sow as it is done in a field, I would like to plant so many things and I can not.

How good you could clean the land, you will have a very good harvest! ;-)

Ah I'm sorry to hear that you are limited in your gardening now because of the apartment, I hope one day you will be able to live on the land again! <3

Yes, that's what we want a house, hopefully we can buy a house soon.

ok you down there, Little House on the Prairie lady, how are you going to keep the chickens out of the garden.? Great work though. We got a bunch of stuff today too. Going to make an Oasis on the deck. Got a palm tree and everything. :)))

Hehehe...the same way we kept them out of the gardens all the other years...the are in the run lololol :) :) :) Yes, I know, poor girls all locked up in there for the summer, that's too funny, when Craig was here he didn't remember that either!! It's the only way I can grow a garden, they would eat the whole thing! I let them out in November and they tear what's left there to shreds.

ok...ya...of course .ok..well i will feel sorry for them, so I will have to make them some scrambled eggs. hee such a fun night again last night. we will do more and the deck will be so nice.

Look at you, kicking ass and gardening with appropriate attire! I has a proud!
Seriously, I do. Weeding is hella hard work. You go on with your bad self!

Aww, thank you Yoda, and thank you @PhoenixWren!! <3 <3 <3 This made me smile...

You would have been shaking your head at me today, I was pulling up plants and leaving weeds, well I don't know what looks like what lol, and them dandelions make great cough syrup, just boil them with water and sugar for a few hours until it turns dark brown, also boiled roots are good for a liver medicine, there you go, useless dandelion tips from me. Have a great dirty digging day.

Thank you so much for those dandy tips! I love me sum Deliberator!!

Strangely enough - me too lol, omfg how vain am I.

Raises a big cheer for you! My garden is about 1/3 of the way dug. What a bore and a chore. It isn't so bad caring for it once it's all done, but argh the bermuda grass removal kills me.

Oooh I'm relieved to know I'm not alone! I've never heard of bermuda grass but it sounds like a real b*tch!

Thats interesting how we have been programmed to remove dandelions from our lawns. Im with you its too much work! Why waste your time when you can do other things

oh ha ha..i recognize those Whalesback gloves, for sure.

They're just like new...hehehe Never wore em last year after I borrowed them, gonna make up for lost time now!

yes, get going. :)))

It's really amazing mam... you reach ulog 4 already...☺ i am at ulog 6 😁 you are working really hard mam... best of luck for your gardening.😊

Love & energy back at ya sis! You've got this!! It's gonna be the best gardening year ever!! Loved seeing this tonight! Time to get my butt going on the gardening too! Procrastination Nation over here! My butt likes being parked!! LOL must be something in the air!! Hoping to feel energized soon too!! Hoofta...... 💜💙💚

Yes, there must be something in the air

*shakes fist at geoengineering!

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