#ulog 22: A Bountiful Day

in #ulog6 years ago

My Favourite Selfies

Always involve food from the garden...

Photo on 2018-08-14 at 12.14 PM #4.jpg

Aw yeah, work it gurl, work it 😅

Photo on 2018-08-14 at 12.14 PM.jpg

Procrastination Success!

I finally got around to jarring last fall's apple cider vinegar. It's very concentrated and I will need to add water to it (to taste) as I use them. ACV is one of my favourite things to make, it's literally impossible to fuck it up. This is the recipe I use: How to make your own apple cider vinegar // womansvibe.com


The crisper is full of lettuce right now.

My first lettuce plants are almost finished and I'll be planting my second crop this week. It's great to not to have to buy lettuce from the store, I love the summer! Half the time the lettuce looks like garbage at the store, and lord knows what they're doing to it. I don't mind a few bugs, they wash off easy enough. I'd rather see a bug than eat pesticides ffs.


How About These Sleeping Angels?


Mini Mewey & Shy Cat


Mini Mewey


Grayson (This cat's name changes weekly).



And Speaking of Angels...

This was the highlight of my day. This beautiful, original artwork by @donnadavisart! She created this for me, it's our little rooster Peter Parker who, poignantly, passed away while the art was in the mail to us.


@marionbowes framed it for me and brought it here tonight, I've been looking so forward to hanging this on our wall. Thank you Donna and Thank you Marion ♥️ ♥️ I love it so much, it was definitely worth the wait. I can't wait until @eddiebowes comes home and sees this, Peter Parker was his favourite animal of all time.


That concludes #ulog 22. Thank you for visiting me again, you are beautiful, #STEEM family. And remember:
Keep #ulogging!


I'm sorry I'm just seeing this now, but so busy during the Summer. He look so lovely framed. I'm honoured.

I love your kitties. We lost our Puss, but haven't wanted to post about it yet.

I'm so sorry that she's gone Donna... :'(

She is literally gone as well. I mean she left one day, which she did daily, and then has not returned for a week. So there is a bit of hope, as once a friend lost their cat and it returned to our house a month later! I have been holding off posting about her possible 'death' to make sure. I mean she is an ancient cat who lived in the wild for half a year when Toad Hall was shut up before we moved out here, so I'm still not 100 percent, but I sort of 'feel' that she is gone. You don't know how much of your life they take up until they are out of it :(

It's so hard when you don't know if you can start grieving or not, the unanswered questions suck! Please come back Puss!!

oh! it's ready! ACV!
We've apples now, I'm thinking to try to make it or not...
Doubt it will be fine, the first try is always full of shit;))
but now when I see yours is ready, I want to try it more and more;)
you're my ACV temptator;)))

btw, dear, how do you use it? I add it to salads as a rule, and add it to the water when I wash hair (it's so shiny and silky at once!).
and you?
any other recipes?)

and YES - I'd better to see many bugs than to see none but eat chemical food;(
High Five:)

Hi Natalia, that ACV you see is my batch I started last fall. Soon it will be time to begin a new batch, as our apples ripen.

I use ACV almost every day. It's in my bun recipe, also for salad dressing, and even soaking store bought vegetables and fruits in to clean them. I fill the sink with water and a little bit of ACV and soak the fruits for 10 minutes.

last fall? so it's almost 1 year old??
like wine!) that's why it's so dark and concentrated?
you're a patient woman to wait so long;)

ah yes! I also wash all bought fruits in such water! but I used baking soda for it to create alkali water, where nothing harmful can survive.
I guess, ACV makes the same:)

I'm happy there is one more person in this world who does it!
or is it widely used in your place?
The thing is in my place all my relatives think I'm crazy, or I have a microbe phobia if I wash fruits in such a way.
WTF?:) If I want to feed my baby with CLEAN fruits, is it a phobia?)
I don't care, but they laugh all the time:)

I waited too long with the AVC but it's okay, I can dilute it with water.

Not too many people soak their fruits and veg, my mother in law does. I am happy knowing that baking soda will work as well. Thank you for the info!

yes, dear, baking soda makes alkali environment, that's why it is considered to be rather popular here as a great antiseptic for washing and cleaning.
And there're many people who drink water with baking soda! it's a popular way of recovery here. The essence is the same - all pathogenic flora inside of the body will die, because they can't survive in alkali.
Ph is the basis of the health, and that's why alkali environment is so important.

Is baking soda used for these purposes in Canada?

I've decided to make AVC too;)!! Yoohoo!))
Today I went to the garden and got some apples;)
The first try, I worry, so I will make a small portion;)
now will reread your recipe and be ready for my questions;)
btw, is it ok if I use not very ripe apples?
they were fallen from the tree by strong wind;(

you've warm relationships with the mother in law, right?
it's so great!
i am far from it. as a rule in my country they're smth like a silent war or a competition;)

We are beginning to hear a lot about the benefits of drinking baking soda with water, I wouldn't say it is a trend yet. I'm intrigued!

Yes, I use crab apples for mine, it takes longer to make vinegar with, that is the only downfall. If you have more time, it's great!

I laughed about your 'competition' there with the mother in laws hahhaa!!

Baking soda with water is alkalizing. Taste is not so good.

Ya. That is so beautiful and I finally got my procrastination ass going to. It took me less time to frame that then I have spent thinking about it. God damm. However, it looks lovely on your beautiful painted walls. Should anyone colour on that wall or that picture they have to answer to me. xx lol It does look nice. Eddie will be thrilled too.

So far so good with the wall art lol :) We'll see what happens, I'll tell them about Oma's threat hahaha!

lol totally empty they are..lol. it does look nice though. so uplifting, the new colour and picture. xx I am up for helping to paint more..anytimes you want.

The color of vinegar is stunning but I can imagine it is very concentrated. You can't even see through it :D

You are so right with lettuce. I rather drive to a farmer who will send me lettuce with bugs than walk 2 minutes to the shop to buy perfectly clean and shiny lettuce :) Or as you say a garbage as sometimes it doesn't look good at all!

I'm sorry to hear about your rooster! At least you will have him forever in your artwork :)

Before I started to grow my own, I never thought about how disturbing the lack of bugs on produce in the grocery store is!

Hahaha :D Yesterday I was cleaning an organic cauliflower. There was such a beautiful blue - greenish worm inside. After I inspected it for a little while I asked my husband to help as I wouldn't touch it :D He built a sanctuary from the leaves and moved it to the darker place of our balcony in the hope it will become a butterfly one day :D

I just hope there were no eggs and our balcony won't become a huge party place for these worms :D

Oh, my husband wouldn't kill a fly..

Oooh sweet!! I look forward to the butterfly photos, well done my friend!

Okay, I totally melted over the kitties. But you knew I would. Awwww!
Peter Parker's portrait is fantastic!!
AHA you DO dilute the ACV. When I tried it before, mine also came out thick. I think it also maybe fermented a little. LOL. Do you know how to prevent that?
WERK GURL, you bad in yo lettuce leaf dress.

(I don't like PETA for their hypocrisy, but I love the lettuce lady dresses, lol)

I definitely prefer those dresses to the meat dress lmao! Just beautiful, but yea peta is junk, like all mainstream 'charities'... coooOOoooOOOOoonts.

Did you try adding water to your ACV? Just keep tasting it until you get the right mix and flavour that you prefer. Let me know how it goes!

I use crab apples, so my mix has to sit a lot longer than say if you use apple cores and peels. But it should not have sat this long. I should have bottled it at 3-4 months.

Here's a recap of the steps real quick:

  • Mix diced apples/apple material with sugar and water (see the recipe for exact proportions)
  • Cover it with a breathable top (cheesecloth, a tea towel, whatever)
  • Stir twice a day for 2 weeks
  • Strain through (cheese) cloth into another container
  • Leave with breathable top for 1-4 months, depending on how fast it's making vinegar. When you see it's at the strength you like, bottle it up and it should keep like....forevers, I don't know, mine usually lasts me the year before I'm out, so it definitely lasts a year.


Was this helpful?

Ja. I think it probably sat too long as well. I was following a recipe using juice, as I didn't have an apple harvest, as well.

Ahhh now I remember that! Can you eat apples, or they a no no food for you? I have a friend who saves her cores and skins in the freezer until she gets a good sized bag and then defrosts it all and makes the acv.

I should do that. Thankfully I can eat apples! I've been putting the cores and skins in the compost.

Great work Lynds on the home produce. It is soooo satisfying to harvest your own fruit and veg. I've not got that much from my allotment but have managed to get a few beetroot and my sweetcorn will be ready soon. The hot dry weather we've been getting in the UK hasn't been good for growers.

Keep up the good work.

Nice chicken picture !!

Hey @jimbobbill, I've been meaning to ask you how your "ant farm" is going?

The Peter Parker portrait is awesome. Be sure and get a photo of @eddiebowes reaction when he sees it! Gotta love all those beans! Yesterday I made some bean salad with some of my little ones. The kitties are just too cute for words! That ACV looks like it could be a little potent!

A little potent, yep! HAHAHA~ I could probably dilute it by half, I'll see soon!

I will for sure take a shot of Eddie and his art of "The Big Roo" (haha it was the tiniest roo ever, but such a big spirit). Great to see you Mama Castor, always so good to hear from you because then I know you are safe.

I remember drooling over your descriptions of your bean salad last year...what a year it has been. So grateful to know you Woman!!

It has been quite a year! Let's hope for a little less excitement for the coming year! 💚💚🥗

I was just scrolling through all that lovely food and then I thought, "That looks like Donna's painting!" How cool is that? Marion did a fantastic job with the framing. The color of the wood is perfect.

Yeah and the best part is, it's made from actual wood too, that frame weighs like 10 pounds haha!

As a former professional picture framer I can appreciate good wood!

Es muy lindo cuando podemos cosechar nuestras propias Verduras @lyndsaybowes y tus Gaticos se ven muy tiernos durmiendo

Me alegro de que te gusten los gatitos. ¿cultivas comida? ¿Qué clase?

(Traducido con Bing Translator) https://www.bing.com/translator

Yo exactamente no es mi hermano mayor aqui en la casa cosechamos: Yuca, Platanos, Calabazas, Berenjenas, Ajies y Tomates

You've bring harvest of beans lot from your gardens. Best way prepare vegetables from our gardens. There are better nutritious ingredients included. Nice kittens to see now. They're pretty cute.

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