30 #Ulog: Kiddin Around

in #ulog6 years ago

Welcome To My 30th #Ulog, Beautiful #STEEM Fam!

I hope you are feeling well wherever you are. Many who check the coinmarketcap will be happier than recent days that's for sure!

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As for myself, I'm sitting here at 10 am Atlantic time sipping coffee (cup size small, it's my 2nd pot) and sporting my coziest, fluffiest pair of pants with a ridiculously awesome cheetah print fuzzy jacket.

I feel like the homesteading version of Fran Drescher. PS like my "L" cup? Oma got it for me on Easter hehehe...Nice short nails, always, due to guitar and gardens and stuff like that plus I'm not really femmy anyways. Another reason why I'm lulzing about my cheetah print today.

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It rained last night for the first time in weeks and is cool and cloudy today. Everyone out here is on well water, so there are plenty of sighs of relief echoing through our community right now I'm sure.

Before the Rain However...

The boys enjoyed some beautiful daytime high tides. I'm so proud of them because this week they decided they were going to learn to swim with no lifejackets.

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Our backyard cove is perfect for learning to swim. There are no big drop offs, it's really shallow, plus I'm right here ready to save them if something happened.

I made sure they took turns practicing to swim, there's no way I'm gonna put myself into a position where I have to pick who to save first, if something happened to both of them at the same time.

Okay, now that my Mom stress is out of the way, let's try to have some fun!


Here Goes @alivefoxdeadfox (Stryder)


He stays in the really shallow water, but he did it! He swam a bit. It was funny because he said he's gonna learn how to swim, and then next summer he will have forgotten. I gave him the ol' 'it's like riding a bike' line. #AdultingWIN

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Here Goes @kiedisbowes

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He's definitely got this!

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They'll be practicing a whole lot more before out summer ends in beautiful Nova Scotia Canada, where we'll still be enjoying the ocean in October.

I'm signing off now, much love sent your way from yours truly in Canada's Ocean Playground! Have fun wherever you are, and no matter what, keep on #STEEMIN!


G'mornin. LOL. I too am drinking out of a coffee cup size small with my protein shake today. I used a new kind of yogurt in there. Normally I do NOT buy yogurt with sugar in it, but it was on sale and I had a coupon, so I tried it. Ack. My coffee shake tastes like too-sweet yogurt. It's overwhelming. And I only put in two spoonfuls! Well. Now I know...
I don't know how people eat this saccharine shit. This is why I grew up never liking yogurt.

Yeah sugar and coffee....ewwwww...

That selfie of you is hawt though <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 Loves me sum PHE!!!!!!

LOL my messy in need of a shower selfie is hawt? XD Loves me sum Lynds!

@phoenixwren & @Lyndsay Have you tried a Milk Kefir? It's an excellent probiotic that has a very slight yogurt taste that helps transport all the enzyme goodness from your food to the parts of you body where they are most needed, the milk Kefir grains are soaked in milk on a daily basses until they become slightly gloppy within a 24 hr period depending on how thick you require it then strained off through a very fine mesh (plastic as metal contaminates and kills the active ingredients) sieve into another jar and kept in the fridge until you want to drink, so you can culture on a daily basis, the same grains (becomes like a scrambled egg texture but very light in colour) are everlasting provided you stop it from drying out (And must be kept out of direct sunlight whilst culturing or standing drained)... An excellent refreshing drink during sweltering hot days when frozen like ice lollies in a mug.... as the slow defrosting melt rate is a constant extremely cooling sip... I mix mine with Cranberry Juice, Pineapple Juice - or a Juice of your choosing, or you can make a Kefir Champagne by straining adding a juice and leave in fridge overnight where it will froth up. Key points - No metals or Direct Sunlight during the culturing process and kept fed with pasteurised or full fat milk. A very Healthy good for your stomachs health and a Uplifting (Cool) Drink. If you wish to get some starter Grains (once started you can then pass on to others as your Kefir increases at no costs for the benefit of their Health also - A pass it on goodness) ENJOY!! Here is a Link... https://www.freshlyfermented.co.uk/product/where-to-buy-milk-kefir-grains/?attribute_amount=5g%2B%2528makes%2B250ml%2529&gclid=CjwKCAjwio3dBRAqEiwAHWsNVTgU2uU42JT1a8cXfnsUgUpF9j3M8aLXNnt0zVhD1J2_0fkjWSQOjxoCjJEQAvD_BwE

I sometimes buy kefir instead of yogurt, but I've never made my own. I use them interchangeably in my morning shake. ^_^ Anything of that ilk, plain flavor (or vanilla if plain is not available, but usually vanilla has sugar added so it's a last resort kinda thing) yogurt, kefir, skyr, filmjolk - milk/protein/probiotics. I didn't know the grains are everlasting though! Can they survive if you run out of milk to feed them?

Oh girl! Do you call this 'cup size small'?! We're drinking espressos only over here so this is a gigantic cap to me!!! :D

Your nails are perfectly clean for somebody who works in garden!! When I work in garden I can't get the dirt out for a week, lol. You must have a special trick to clean them!

Cool that they learn how to swim without your help! Good boys! BTW, are they not supposed to be at school? :D

When North Americans say "coffee" we generally mean "Americano" - so yeah, giant cups. ;)
IKR about her clean nails, that's impressive! I've often got dirt or paint under mine for days! XD

Your nails are perfectly clean for somebody who works in garden!!

Heh heh heh ... a testament to my lack of weeding lately!

I wouldn't drink an espresso this size hahaha, that's just asking for a heart palpitation hahaha :)

Oh yes, the boys are in school right now, it's cloudy and cool, the swimming photos are from a couple days ago <3 <3 <3

Lovely to talk with you as always @delishtreats, I hope you're having a good day.

@delishtreats to help with your dirt behind nails whilst gardening removal, before you start gardening get some barrier cream behind your nails before you start your gardening and Bingo after you finish your gardening the dirt will just flush away under running tap water or swooshing in a bowl of soapy water - no nail brush needed... As simple as blinking... hope this helps ? Blackhole Bridger.

What a great idea! I don't know why I didn't think about it before!!

Thank you! I'll try it and let you know how it works. But I guess it will work as it sounds logical! :)

Bike riding, now swimming doesn't get much better than that. :-)

Heh heh heh...

love those leopard prints aka cheetah. fluffy for sure. look at those boys..like fish. That is the perfect place to learn. Also the beach at MacDonalds would be great too. Next year. lol

hahha ooh they're leopard, I'm so unfem I didn't even get the name right. Plus it appears I don't know much about spotted cats either... dun dun dun.

MacDonalds beach for sure, forgot about that one!

you are a different type of fem. a good type...

Awe! Hey Lynds! I love your "L" cup! With sweet flowers 🌸🌻🌹 great job boys! It's awesome your summer lasts till October! I tell ya.... fall is arriving too soon imo. Have a fantastic day beautiful!!

If you ever come visit, definitely great months are September and October! You get away from the cold there, and come here and feel the warm ocean breeze baby!

Ahhh! So enticing Lynds ❤💚❤

Catch ya!! on the next Flight the Lynds Ha!! Ha!! HHHhhhaaa!!! :)

De verdad que tus hijos se ven muy divertidos en el agua @lyndsaybowes. Espero disfrutes tu taza de café y la chaqueta de leopardo no se ve tan mal

Jajaja muchas gracias @franciscana23 :)

Is there a Y or other place with an indoor pool where they can practice swimming during the long cold winter? Halifax maybe but I don't know how far that is for you...

Not really doable at this point, nope :)

Cute little beansprouts! It was refreshing just watching that dip in freeze frames.

Aw, thanks very much for visiting us @vanessav!

perfect nails!
and you're so pretty and so natural, and so...true!
that's why I liked you at once;)
I've the same nails! and they are great!
very comfortable!
3 years ago I couldn'a imagine my life without long nails with bright manicure. I could spend hours making them. OMG what stupid loss of time (I think now;))
after the birth of my baby I had to cut them off because it was uncomfortable to take care of a newborn with them, and I was afraid to hurt him, and...I just understood how stupid they are;))
women's beauty and attraction is NOT in bright long nails, and not in high heels, it's something inside;)

HAHA another reason why we are so similar!

I used to need a LOT of make up to feel normal. Like a TONNE! I cannot believe how far I have come...

I use a very plain, very boring (regular sized) white coffee cup. Sure, I have fancier coffee cups, some are even movie themed mugs. But in the end, all I really wanted was the damn coffee! And so I foregoed all the frills and went straight for that morning joe.

True story.

Who even needs a cup, let's just drink straight from the pot!

I'll do ya one better. Brew the coffee in your mouth!


Interestingly disturbing idea:)

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