My Colony

in #ulog6 years ago (edited)


Some species come more complicated than some others, I guess that's what makes us so interesting, it really does take all sorts to make a world.

Most of us are confused, trying to find ourselves like introspective monks, but if you're lucky, you might have found yourself at an early stage of your life. I believe that we're constantly growing up, even if you're 35. somehow, I don't think we ever stop growing up, not physically though, but psychologically.

In all this confusion, and self-searching, lies an introvert, who's trying so hard to find his way in the world, and to weather the storms life blows in his path. That's Me.

In the course of the struggle which life tends to be on most days,I easily lose focus, get depressed, and feel like hanging up my boots. When this is the case, I like to touch base. My base, being my friends, are like my constant reminder of why I started out in the first place, they're the ones who get me through the bad days, either with drinks and laughs over stupid things in our lives, or with words of advice and encouragement, they're a means to ricochet. They're my colony, and I couldn't be more grateful for them.

I hope every day, that I'm as much help to them as they are to me.


Life is a continious journey, and we never stop learning, even in the old age learning does not stops.

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