Ulog # 19: Of Flowers and Floral Shirts

in #ulog6 years ago

Whaddup, Steemians! TGIF (Thank God it’s flowery!). Anyway, it’s been an exhausting week and it’s not even done yet, we still have a count for the whole day tomorrow.

Nevermind work stuff though, the wheels of capitalism are always turning anyhow. I’m here to talk about flowers! Hah. See, the older I grow, the more captivated I am by Mother Earth’s flora. Seeing their vibrant colors seem to tug at the corners of my lips to form an inevitable smile. Aesthetics is always an art form unto itself isn’t it? Mother nature just allows her flowers to flourish for us, and we stand captivated by the contrast of colours between the petal and the leaf, and just like that, we are in awe of a wordless type of poetry.

I captured this one yesterday on a trip to Makilala, we stopped by an eatery to get breakfast and I happened to see this pretty flower near the eatery.

A light drizzle left some of its liquid kiss on the purple flowers, leaving a wistful type of beauty for the beholder:


We arrived at the count location and performed the count without much trouble. Upon going outside, I noticed the flowers one of the encoders was tending to.

One of them was pretty in a quiet, unassuming way:


While the other one was vibrant and alive with colours and captivating:


I saw another pretty one as I was headed up to the office earlier.


Even if you read this text and didn’t understand English, even if you read it and disliked the way I write, even if you didn’t read at all and just happened to see the pictures; one thing remains, the beauty of flowers has never needed words or comprehension for mankind to concede to its beauty. From our ancestors to our descendants, from one end of the Earth to the other, at one time or another, I believe every human has once stood transfixed before one of Mother Earth’s fauna and simply thought “This flower is beautiful.”

In the same way that a sunset is kaleidoscopic and ever changing, flowers come in every form and size imaginable. However, its beauty is always a constant. And of all the flowers that exist, I find the most comfort in wildflowers by the roadside. They will die in a little while after I’ve seen them, and if I ever pass by that roadside again, it’ll be a different flower and the one I saw before will have gone back to the earth. But in one shining moment, it was able to make one lonesome human smile with its selfless beauty.

And finally, I’m not a flower but I bought this shirt just because.


All photos are mine, taken with an Iphone SE.

‘Till next #ulog! May a flower brighten your day today.

cartwheels towards a field of wildflowers

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