#ulog 15 Teaching The Value Of Repurposing And Saving

in #ulog6 years ago

Hi Uloggers,

I had been thinking what would be a nice project to do using recycled materials that are usually found inside the house. This is part of my son's assignment in school. It was not easy at first because a lot of ideas will come to mind and I have to determine if I will be able to finish on time and how much raw materials can we find. Just like before, I want my son to help in the conceptualization phase. I gave him the ideas, the raw materials available and the amount of time we can spend.

This activity made me feel inspired and positive because I know I am teaching this little boy some skills that he could appreciate and later on apply in his own life. That is basically how I learned a few skills and values when I was growing up.

We we're just practicing the speed Math last night and the window cards gave me an idea. Those small rectangular holes are good to reuse to decorate this ice cream tub. These are basically the materials we have.

After deciding with my son we agreed to create a piggy bank. I etched the slot on top of the lid then my son started to glue the rectangular pieces of cardboard on the tub. It should be quick but I let my son do the test so he can explore and experience the process, that is how we learn. I didn't mind if there are minor issues with the project we just kept going. I asked my son if he is satisfied with the final look. He said it needs a little embellishment and put some stickers that we got as freebies from our meal. After everything was done I explained to my son the value of saving. I told him to keep whatever is left from his daily allowance and put them in the piggy bank we made. I was happy to see when he smiled and agreed. I am sure he will oblige and will learn to save.

Thank you for your time. See you next time.

The photos are mine taken using my smartphone


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Keep sharing through eSteem! ;) If you guys ever want to throw stuff out - don't! Consider using @steemfleamarket to give it away in exchange for community upvotes/sbd ;)

I didn't mind if there are minor issues with the project we just kept going

(we don't know where we are going but we are moving.) preliminary operational tests are inconclusive.

That will teach kids how to recycle, save and to be creative. It will also teach them patience in finishing a task.

This comment was made from https://ulogs.org

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