in #ulog6 years ago (edited)

Hi lovelies, how ya'll beautiful steemians doing?
I trust you are all doing fine.

Here a peak into how my day went.

Remember i told you guys how God showed me favour through @surpassinggoogle(a loving and kindhearted man) in my ULOG- 002 post yesterday.
Well today the Lord showered favour and grace on me through @yoo1900(a blessing in disguise).
I've been participating in @yoo1900 contest, well i would say it's more of a contest because he upvotes 4 people's post every day(isn't that awesome)......that is people that comment with their link on his post.

I comment every single day and i don't get chosen but apparently today was obviously my own day(lolz) to be chosen.
i woke up this morning to prepare for class and decided to go on steemit for a bit....that was when i saw that my post was upvoted by @yoo1900 with $21, the joy i felt in my heart was unexplainable because i knew that was surely God showing me how much he loves me and that he is and always will be with me.😊

That is a screenshot of the post @yoo1900 upvoted

Okay about my meetup with 2 of my steem friends;
I met them a long time ago on one of steemit's group chats on whatsapp which i belong to called i-rise network
Okay so today i was in class when @desmonddesk called me, i could not pick because i was in class.
Well after my class, he called again and asked me where i was, i told him i was in my hostel and he said he was in my school and that i should come out of the hostel but i could not go out to meet him because i was preparing to go for another class.

So i told him that after my class, i'll see him if he was still around.
Fast forward to after my class- he called me back by 6pm and said he was still around so i went out to meet him and saw that he came with another steem friend- @geekis(my new found crush by the way...lolz)
So we all chatted a bit but i could not stay long with them as i had to go for my fellowship prayer meeting.
I told them and they decided to see me off to the prayer venue which was in another campus.
They walked me from my campus(town campus) to where the meeting was being held(annex capmus)..........while walking we chatted some more and took a few pictures


That's @desmonddesk, i and @geekis


And that's @desmonddesk and i

When we arrived at my venue, we said goodbyes and parted ways.
It was an awesome time with these two lovely steemians😘

There you have it guys- a peak into my day.



It was awesome meeting you. Thank God for Steemit o, imagine, I am now a friend to a whale.

Lolz, that kind whale.
I claim it oooo

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