Ulog #5: The Backyard Bliss

in #ulog6 years ago


I've been wanting to post these pics for days, but every time I started uploading pics, steemit would upload them sideways! Apparently the workaround is to edit your photo somehow. Like add a label or text. So, some of these pics didn't necessarily need anything extra, but got it anyways just so it would upload correctly. sigh

For my ulog today I want to share with you all my "backyard bliss." Our backyard is my happy place. When the sun is shining and the flowers are in bloom, its just magical. Lemme show you!


We have SO MANY strawberries!


And a few potatoes!


I love the fire pit. I don't love trying to light the fire, but once it's going it's nice.


My mom bought me this cute little frog statue to put in the yard. 😍


This beautiful flower is growing up over a metal archway in the yard. So far only a few have bloomed, this ones barely peeking out of the leaves. I had to go in for the close up.


This gorgeous flower is my absolute favourite! Does anyone know what it might be called? It closes its petals at night and opens with the sun. I adore it's beauty. 😍😍


Just at the foot of my mystery flower I placed this little angel statue. I decorated it with rocks from the yard and abandoned snail shells that I've found. 💜


Better view of my favorite little corner of the yard.


I love getting out in the back yard and feeling like I'm in my own private forest. I love that the kids can easily explore and learn about nature just by stepping out the back door. This is my happy place and I'm glad to be able to share it with you.

Love and light to all who read this. 💜💜


I LOVE that corner with the doors as fencing! What a great idea!

Those doors are bad ass... Looks like upcycled materials from Monsters Inc.. They need some paint

omg! beauty is so in the eye of the beholder! The first thing I admired was "oooh what fabulous upcycled urban grunge! "

I enjoyed looking at your yard. I thought the angel was huge, but then saw that its actually little.

Nice adds to the pics. LOL. Gotta do what you gotta do. I just let mine post sideways... I don't use that many anyway.

Mine have been doing the same thing. Thx for the tip

Ugh I'd love to have a little backyard of my own!! I love having a small private forest of my own, too. We have a small balcony with some plants and two aquariums of guppies, my husband loves sitting in front of the door feeding the fishes together with my firstborn. It's what they love to do together.

Hi Kelli! I was posting last night and had the same problem! Thought it was the camera of my phone, lol. I also had to edit the pic to solve the problem.

Your backyard is beautiful! I love the idea of planting fruits and vegetables, not only flowers. That's something I want for my own home someday. And your mom is awesome :)

Dammmnnn... Look at that berry patch 🍓🍓🍓

You have a nice backyard with beautiful flowers

That was an awesome tour, so many beautiful flowers, and the frog was too cool, how rad is your Mom!? :) :) :) So rad!

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