Ulog #3: The Fear of Friendship

in #ulog6 years ago


Today I'm mildly freaking out inside because tomorrow, I'll be meeting someone that could potentially become a good friend.

Is there a name for this? This "Fear of Friendship". Is it a legit phobia? Cuz I'm pretty sure I've got it.

All my life I've been "the weird kid". Too smart and proud for my own good. Although I have older siblings, they grew up with their biological father in another state and I never even knew them growing up. I was an only child. A spoiled child. A scared child.

Making friends was hard for me. My earliest memories of making friends in my neighborhoods consisted of me being frequently molested by the boys. And cruelly rejected by the girls.

Once I got into school I did make a few friends who stuck by me though thick and thin. I learned that having 1 or 2 close friends is about all I can mentally handle. I envy people who can maintain multiple friendships. It just seems too overwhelming to my mind.

When I was in 7th grade, we moved to a new apartment. It was a duplex, so half the house was rented by another family. They had a daughter my age. She ignored me for the first year we lived there. One day I had gone over out of sheer boredom and knocked on her door. She answered and I asked her if she wanted to hang out and listen to my CD player? (Oh yeah, I'm old btw.)

She looked me up and down and laughed in my face and closed the door.

The next summer, I had matured a little I guess you'd say. I got rid off my glasses finally and had contacts instead. This led to of course, a new found love of makeup. I had also just been gifted a new school wardrobe by my loving gramma, so I was no longer wearing hand me downs.

All of a sudden, this girl wants to be my friend.

And you guys, I know. I know, I should have laughed in her face. But. I was 13.

I wanted a friend.

We ended up becoming besties and she basically took over my entire life. If I wanted to spend an afternoon at the library (a place she would never go) with other friends, she'd pitch a fit and guilt trip me until I canceled plans to hang with her.

Everything was a contest with her. Especially when it came to boys. I started to get used to the fact that if a boy liked me, she was gonna swoop in and try and snag him. Most of the time, she succeeded.

It took me until I was 25 to break off that toxic friendship. And I have @chackett to thank for that. He told me that she kept hitting on him and it was making him super uncomfortable. He didn't want to even be near her. Which made it difficult for her to manipulate me as much. I finally texted her and told her I thought it best if we not continue our friendship. and that was it.

I was free.

And friendless.

I eventually would meet co workers that I clicked with, and we'd eat lunch together. Talk over a cigarette on break. That kind of thing. Little by little, I ventured out of my no friend comfort zone and ended up with a few close friends while we lived in Colorado. Those ladies taught me about good friendships and we all still talk today. Of course, long distance friendship isn't quite the same.

A few years ago, @chackett had made a friend at work. They liked going fishing and building stuff. His wife seemed like a really cool chick and her and I hit it off right away.

I enjoyed her company and she was fun to be around. But there were some red flags, definitely. She wanted me to keep alot of secrets. I don't keep shit from my husband. He's the only person in this world that I can say whatever my darkest thoughts are to, and he doesn't judge or try to fix it. He just listens. And she was laying some heavy shit on me. I needed to be able to talk it out with my hubby.

Then her best friend moved in with her and her family. We started spending less time together. Although, honestly, I wasn't that upset about it. For the above mentioned reason.

That friendship came to an end when Chris texted what he thought was a funny reply to her husband, but she read it and took offense. I was blocked from all her social media within a day. Not even a text from her about why she was upset. Maybe it's better that way. I really didn't want to continue that friendship anymore either. 😐

This person I'm meeting tomorrow seems super cool and mellow. We met on a cannabis moms group on Facebook. She lives close by and I invited her over to hang out. I'm nervous that she won't like me. I'm nervous that maybe I won't like her. I'm just nervous.

Give me strength to make a new good friendship. Let this be a friendship that benefits us both as women and mothers. Let this be the end of my Fear of Friendship.

Love and light.



Omg I love it!! Excellent #ulog, so real and vulnerable and I learned so much about you @khackett. Thank you for sharing this piece of your life with us, I can definitely relate Woman!!

Good on you for taking this chance, I really hope this friendship is light and merry and real and all those good things, you deserve it Sis!!

Thanks lynds! 💜💜💜

First let me say I am sorry you experienced those things as a child...being molested by those boys. That made me cringe and upset, I can’t imagine someone doing that to my daughters.

Secondly I’ve always wondered if there were other women out there that experienced a toxic relationship. I had one for 15 years and it wasn’t until I got married that it was broken apart. I was so blinded and so “comitted” to this woman that my whole life evolved around her, what she believed, felt, her opinions etc. I did things I really didn’t want to do to keep her happy and so she wouldn’t get upset with me. She interfered with my relationships too. Like hooking me up with someone and then when she saw we were really doing well, she come up with reasons why I needed to break up with them. It was a lot of crazy stuff. Finally, at the beginning of our marriage my husband gave me an ultimatum it was either him or her. You know something ain’t right when your spouse has to give you an ultimatum like that. It woke me up and made me realize I gotta let this crazy relationship go...and I did. I felt so free and happy and my life was sooo much better.

I hope you and this new potential friend hit it off well and become support buddies and have a healthy friendship that will last a lifetime. I also hope more positive supportive people will enter your life. Relationships are a good thing when they’re equally supportive and healthy~

Oh and I don’t keep anything from my husband either. My family and friends already know not to tell me anything they don’t want my husband to know. Lol

Yes! Exactly! I couldn't see how destructive that friendship was until Chris brought it to my attention. I'm glad and happier without that drama, but yeah, it'd be nice to have a healthy friendship with someone. 😊

Yes!! I didn’t realize how much drama and stress that relationship brought in my life until people from the outside started telling me. People would ask me “how have you remained friends with someone like that for so long?” It was out of habit I guess. Once you get used to doing something for so long you just keep at it. I too was afraid of making friends for a long time after that. But thankfully I have been blessed with good friends and close family that I can rely on~ 😊

Yes I am sure there is a phobia not sure what it is called. Good luck with the friendship issues. I for one understand your issues.


Thank you for sharing this part of you @khackett....
I am sure it isn't easy to put yourself out there like that
I just wanted to say sorry about your childhood, I kind of understand what that's like... so just a big cyberspace hug and so glad you have found someone who really gets you :)

just be yourself.. if they don't like you.. their loss

I am sorry for the hardships you experienced. I grew up with 2 younger brothers, but was always kind of the black sheep of the family, and the nerd in school, so even when I had some friends I felt sort of alone. Fast forward to adulthood, and I've had some good friends, but I've moved a couple times and my lifestyle has changed. I'm definitely not mainstream. I have some viewpoints that might be viewed as extreme or polarizing, so when I meet someone new that might be a friend, yeah! I get nervous. I totally get it!

But, you are a strong woman and you have a lot to offer. I hope you have a good time tomorrow and if the friendship blossoms, then great! If it doesn't, then just enjoy the moments and keep on. Peace, love & light to you!

I had a toxic friendship before and didn't realize it brings my level of confidence down. I was vulnerable back then. I opened up everything to this 'friend' until one day, I have finally seen her true colors. Despite the deniable (I refuse to believe that friend can do something like that to me after I put all my trust to her), I've finally been able to let go. Because of that friendship, I am now more careful or should I say "fear" to build new good friendship.

I'm sure that both of you are going to be just fine. Good luck!

Thank you for the vulnerability from you for sharing this @khackett. So sorry for what you needed to go through to just gain a friend in your childhood and younger days. I think you have grown more and more powerful and you don't choose any friend just because you need them anymore. I like that you don't keep things from your husband, cos I believe that's ultimate trust. It's just weird when we need to hide and hide.

I guess as we grow, we are able to identify any toxic relationship and do the cut off. Because of your courage, I dare to talk about my toxic friendships, two that I had too. They were very emotionally manipulative and gave me constant stress. The last that I cut off was with a girl who flirts with any guy, married, unmarried, about to divorce. Met her in a church so it was so hard to do it, because I thought I was not loving the neighbourhood ad myself. She goes behind to flirt so much just to make sure all guys would like her as the prettiest girl with the most understanding heart. Almost thought I have to give in everything to her. It was a rotten friendship, even when we broke it off after a serious betrayal, she still tried to throw the ball back into my court and make me feel she has 'cleared'everything on her side. Thank God for my husband, who is clear to help me look at things squarely. Now, I would sense any emotional manipulation very easily even if it is subtle, or passive aggressive and tell myself not to give in to it anymore. Come to think of it, I too am a bit hard to make friends now, coming from a place where I can be anyone's friend when I was a teenager.

I'm on my journey to wholesomeness. It's nice to see you getting to know a new friend. All the best, there can be still valuable people out there who want to do life with us, not just making themselves as the center or emphasis, I guess. Thank you so much for sharing, I didn't expect someone to share so openly because it does make me feel that I'm perhaps "normal".

Thanks for being so honest and vulnerable about this. It's something I have been battling with for the longest time. I always had this imagination that if I were in a class and I was absent for the day, the teacher would ask the class who my friends are and nobody would stand up. It just saddens me to feel that despite having friends around me, most of the time they feel more of an acquaintance that are just trying to be kind and nice. I'm not saying that I don't have friends, but it's true good ones are hard to come by. Sending you lots of love and strength, go kick that fear in the butt and go find your people! Xx

Super good luck to you!! I am generally friendless as well. Lonely solidarity.

Thanks phe. 💜💜

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