Ulog #24: The $14 coffee

in #ulog6 years ago

First off, pinkeye can go to hell...

Simon came home from school early on Friday with pink eye. He had a tough weekend and was finally feeling better yesterday, when River got it. 😔

I've been washing my hands so much they're raw. used all the hot water on batches and batches of laundry.

eye drops (which they hate) every 4 hours.

Ok, so this sucks. but as long as I have my coffee, everything will be ok. Now, I have a coffee stand that I am a loyal customer of, but they don't deliver. sure, I could have put 2 sick kids in their car seats to go get drive thru coffee, but then I realized I would have to sanitize their car seats later. fuck that. I know if I remove the car seats to clean them I won't be able to re install them myself. that shit is tricky and i'm not about to fuck it up.

so I paid $14 to have coffee delivered to me. and you know what? it was just what I needed! One perk of living in a state where cannabis is legal is that some coffee stands now have CBD available as an add in to your coffee. you know I had to try that!

look at the cute lid and message! 😍

Totally not doing this again unless I absolutely have to, but god damn it's incredible what a little coffee and cannabis will do for the soul.

Ok, coffee break over. Time for more eye drops for miss River. 😭

If anyone knows any natural remedies for pink eye, I'd love to hear them. love and light to all, hope you're having a better week than we are!

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Pink eye sucks! My daughter just cleared her eye of the same ailment. Luckily her sister didn’t catch it.

A tip I learned for eye drops with young children. Have them lie down and close their eyes. Than drop it in the corner (tear duct). Have them open their eyes and the drop goes right in. It helped with my kid. It doesn’t freak her out as much if she doesn’t see it coming. She used to put up a HUGE fight.

Good luck!

Ooh! I love this tip for eye drops. Thank you! I'll give it a try. 😍

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Very welcome. I hope it works.

So sorry to hear the little ones are sick :'( oooh dear...

I'm glad that coffee pulled you through, on a day like today, you more than deserve it beautiful Mama! I love you!!!

Thanks friend. I needed to hear that. 😍
Love you too! ♥️

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Wow, I never heard of cannabis in coffee! I know in CO they are still quarreling about public consumption, even though we PASSED public consumption for pot cafes and the like in 2016, I don't think any have opened yet because they are still arguing about the laws and logistics and business districts and yadda, yadda. So I doubt we have cannabis coffee available yet.
Be sure to wash the doorknobs, and lightswitches if the kids touch those; those are the most common places germs get passed! Good luck! <3 I'm glad you found a way to get your cannacoffee without having to disinfect a car seat. I can't imagine doing that!

I had only just recently heard about the CBD option in coffee, not every place has it. I was kind of surprised I didn't have to provide ID or anything. But CBD doesn't get you high, so I guess I shouldn't be too surprised. Lol.

I'm definitely disinfecting everything tonight after they go to bed. River is on day 2 of it, still goopy eyes. It does me no good to clean yet. Sigh.

My mom heard from someone at work that their grand kids got pink eye this week too. They also go to the same school as the kids and went to the same pumpkin patch for a field trip. They definitely got it at the pumpkin patch. 😡

This is the kind of stuff that sets my anxiety off big time. They had a hand washing station out there, but it didn't have hot water. Just cold water and soap, which does absolutely fuck all to kill germs. I tried wiping their hands with baby wipes, but it's still not gonna do much. They should have hot water for hand washing if they're gonna let little kids pet animals.

And when I voice my concerns everyone just brushes it off as me being too over protective. 🙄

This is why I hate ever leaving my house with them. Grr.

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Awwwww. LOL It was probably more like some kid there had it and brought it in; I don't know if it comes from animals, does it? And you don't really need hot water for hand washing or antibacterials - and I say this as an ex-OCD-germaphobe (I mean that clinically, a therapist told me I had OCD, not colloquially, like "ahmigahd, I'm so OCD"). Usually just soap and water is fine. Kids are little germ factories, though. It's kind part and partial. They want to touch and explore, and their immune systems need to learn. Just think of it this way: you're (hopefully) saving them from all the allergies I have, by letting them get dirty and pet animals and such! ;)

Yeah, bacterial pinkeye commonly comes from petting animals. I always learned that it's not the soap that kills the bacteria, it's the hot water. 🤷‍♀️
I just want it to be gone. This is so not fun. 😔

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The soap doesn't kill them, it gets them off and down the drain, is the idea. For the water to be hot enough to kill, it would burn your hands.
I didn't know that though that it comes from animals. Damn! The more you know ~~~~~~*

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