
I read. I up voted. I sympathize.
(And I also gave you more interaction than I have with anyone on steemit in months. But then are from a special place. :) )

Thank you for the interaction! :) (and the sympathy.)

Some people should never be allowed to own animals or have children but that's getting off topic.

I think the council will have a legal obligation to respond to your complaint, my council sent someone out when something similar happened to me one time when I had my son with me. I was told that it's classed as a dog attack even if the dog charges someone without biting them or causing any damage. So your case is certainly an attack that that someone has to be responsible for.

One word comes to mind if you have any more correspondence with the council - Liability. If you drop that then they'll know you mean business and they should react accordingly.

Sorry to read about the situation you are in at the moment too. I hope it's just a fleeting thing and you find some inspiration somewhere to recharge your mojo.

That was mostly my pessimism speaking last night when I wrote this :) the Council will have to do something. I'll be sending them another email today with more photos, and more information I may have missed yesterday due to still being shaken when I called them.

I like to think that since someone who actually works for them was my witness, and she's the one who gave me their number, told me who to contact, and gave me her own personal number to add to the report, that something will be done -- I still don't remember her name. But I DO have her number in my phone. I hope I inputted it correctly at any rate. When you're shaken and running on adrenaline, these things aren't exactly accurate.

But something should be done! It'll all be okay.

I'm mostly impressed with my son's fortitude. He used to be afraid of dogs. Was beginning to overcome his fear. Then yesterday happened. Now he tells me that he still likes dogs and that the one yesterday was just a bad one.


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