ulog 22: An Amazing Trip To The University of Ibadan and A Successful Post UTME Examination.

in #ulog6 years ago

Hello everyone, hope I meet you all doing good?. It was quite a hectic day for me today. Today was the day scheduled for my POST UTME Examination at the University of Ibadan.


I set out at 6:30 am earlier this morning from Abeokuta to the University of Ibadan, Oyo State with my dad. It was quite an interesting journey. We got to the University at about 1 hour 30 minutes before my examination. My exam was scheduled for 10:00 am. We made use of the remaining time to locate my center. The University is what I will a small world itself.

After the boarding of cab, long trek, and several directives, we finally located my center for the examination. It was quite easy to get the directions. All thanks to my dad who was once an ex-student of the University. I finally got to my center, there were lot of candidates who have come to write the exam. We were over 5000 at my center. Archeology and Anthology Department was my center, for those who might be familiar with the University.

As at 9:30 am we were called in to settle down for the exam. Some instructions were been passed by the instructors. Then our answers booklet was given to us followed by the question papers. They were customized. Each candidates have their assigned question and answer booklet. The exam started two minutes past the scheduled time. At exactly 10:02 am.

The exam lasted for once and half hour. We all finished our exams and left the hall. I didn't interact much with anyone only my seat partners. I went straight to meet my dad and it was time to leave. But before we left, he did a little tour form me. He took me to some places around the school.

He showed me where he resided then when he was still a student of the institution. "Independence Hall" is the name of the residence to those who might be familiar with the University. He also showed me some lecture halls he received lectures back then. I can't really recall their names. He showed my the administrative block, and several other buildings.

The environment was so crowded due population of the students who came for the exam. I totally forgot to take pictures while I was going to these place. But luckily for me I saw someone taking pictures which reminded me to do so also. I was able to take some pictures although I was almost exiting the campus.


uppermost view

This building is one the oldest building in the university. I could remember seeing it 11 years ago when I visited the zoo. It is also a popular hall in the University.


Here's one of their greatest and oldest sculpture. It seems to be renovated tho.


The University of Ibadan

This is a picture view of the entrance of the University I took while I was exiting the premises. It was interesting seeing this places. We boarded vehicle back to Abeokuta and we got home safely.



Welcome to UI , the First and the Best! My Alma mater!

Thanks brother :)

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