in #ulog6 years ago (edited)

Before now, I always look in admiration whenever i see a mother with her child. The joy that follows the nurturance of your own baby is indescribable. I longed for that day and God bless me with my own child. Am overwhelmed with joy carrying my baby for the very first time.

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During His early development especially the navel, i couldn't blink my eyes because he will keep me awake through out the night due to stomach pain.

Day by Day he grows in strength and tries to follow what he sees, with time he started sitting and crawling as also as day go by he tries to stand on his own and one day he move a leg. Oh! The relief and joy to see your baby walking on his own two feet.


I was so happy, i called my parents and my in-laws to tell them the good news of my baby's little steps, unknown to me that was the beginning of restlessness. It became worst than when his yet to talk a walk, he will scatter anything around him and i will arrange, after 5 minutes another mess is on the floor. I continued like this with sleepless night, sometimes he cried through out the night and I wondered and pondered over it and ask my God what is wrong with my son, he cries when nothing is been done to him and when he is on his own playing.


All the above is nothing compare to the incident that took place yesterday night, ulog i cried. I wake up to discover that my baby has fever, I gave him syrup medicine, moped his body with water but hid cry became uncontrol able, I stood with him, walked to and fro tried to rock him to sleep and even sang almost all babies song to him but all this attempt prove futile. This is what I am going through, he stood me up throughout the night.


Mothers are very powerful.....God bestowed them with so much wisdom to keep their homes....they manage their career and homes together. They will wake up very early in the morning cook for the family prepare the children to school, off to work.....came back and goes into the kitchen again.....At night she wount rest because he needs to perform her matrimony work...Lol

Now i understand what mothers really went through and are still going through. They deserve the best....Bravo to all mothers you're really a rare gem....God bless you all.


I agree.
The best woman to us is mother,
Mother is including the woman who loves us very much.

You are right . ...women are gold

I agree.
The best woman to us is mother,
Mother is including the woman who loves us very much.

As a follower of @followforupvotes this post has been randomly selected and upvoted! Enjoy your upvote and have a great day!

The joy a child gives to his or her mother is apparently unquantifiable.
I'm happy for you @joagawu.
Kind regards.

Thanks dear.....Both joy and disturbance combine together Lol

I can relate with your experienced being a first time mom.

My dear.....it's not an easy task....i doff my hat for mothers

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@joagawu, it's so beautiful to be a mum. And your baby is so lovely.

Thanks dear for stopping by

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