
Yea it's not overbearing and you know you're not alone. I never like being on top of neighbors. no way can I handle an apt building like NY and all the people and traffic. I am at my own pace here.

well sir..Kansas is lucky to have you!

Yes they are :)
I wish they would show it a little more. A State holiday

lol! oh well shoot, that's not asking for much! and besides, usually they wait
for ten years AFTER someone dies and then they do that kind of thing. lol.

hey wolf your comment about not liking being on top of neighbors, have you ever read about Agenda 21?

No I haven't but most likely know about it in another form

No I haven't but
Most likely know about it
In another form

                 - wolfhart

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

You think next time I could get one of those poems. We are doing a lot of engaging and I think its time to take our relationship to the next level. But I do need a little more then repeating my words back to me. If we are going to have a future I think you should work on it. What do you say, give it a whirl

well sir with the Agenda 21 operation their goal is to get rid of property rights, take away everyones home and put us into tiny cubicles stacked up in just a few mega cities. I think the Georgia Guidestones talk about that after they reduce the population to a half billion or million I can't remember which but it's to wipe everyone out almost except some worker slaves.

Yea they are working toward that way in Calf. Its all part of the no boarders all are equal for now propaganda BS. It all goes back to one world government / order crap under different approaches to establish it.

Yes I heard about Agenda 21 :)

yes it's all about the globalists schemes, I figured you knew about it at least in some form, hard to keep all the names of these schemes straight.
thank you sir!

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