#Ulog day 4 japanese nihongo Easy translate / pronounciation

in #ulog6 years ago

Good day evry body whatsup people
Hello @ulog and #ulloger
Konninchi wa this is the 3rd part of my japanese nihongo easy pronounciation this is very useful .

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Japanese to english

  1. Ichi = one
  2. Ni = two
  3. San = three
  4. Shi (yon after 10) = four
  5. Go = five
  6. Roku = six
  7. shichi (nana after10) = seven
  8. Hachi = Eight
  9. Kyuu = Nine
  10. Juu = ten
    Hyaku = Hundred


Numbers after 10 are piece of cake once you know 1 through 10. 11 is simply ten with one after it ,+- (juuichi) 12 (juuni) 13(juusan) 14 (juuyon) 21 (nijuuichi) , and so forth.


Put these Numbers in front for time and youve got the time of the Day .

Japanese to english
Ichiji = one o clock
Niji = two o clock
Nijihan = two thirty
Nijiyonjuugofun = 2:45

Now just put the character for Moon , after a number and youve got month.
Japanese to english
Ichi+gatsu = january
Nigatsu = february
Sangatsu = march
Shigatsu = april.

Nichiyoubi = sunday
Getsuyoubi = Monday
Kayoubi = Tuesday
Suiyoubi = Wednesday
Mukuyoubi = Thursday
Kinyoubi = Friday
Doyoubi = Saturday

This list of words are very useful everyday
Thats it for today thank you @ulog because of you i Can share what Is Important .


Thats it for now
Thank you for reading my @Ulog for the Day
Next @ulog post will be my 4 day of Nihongo translate in english and tagalog
For more update please subcribe here 👍👍
Haha thank you

arigatou gozaimasou
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You're planning to go to Japan?

No I dont have a plan because i dont have any backer or Employer ,But i enjoying practising because Go and work In japan is one part of My Dream since I was a Child. Thank you for dropping by

Me too, I want to visit Japan to explore and enjoy the food and culture. Is learning Nihongo part of your current studies?

Yeah I studied by my Self haha

I just remember my high school days. We also our Nihongo class but we only taken it lightly and now I realize it is very important.

Haha thats life . we realize what is important when we realize that is important. But we cant go back in past so i think we can arrange the future . xp me in my highschool days , All my grade are Below average due too luck of project because my parent is dont enough money to sustain are daily school needs so when i was a child I m working then after work schooling . and now I dont want to stay in my safe place so I practising and reviewing what is free to learn . haha long message thank for dropping by

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