When You Have TOO MUCH TIME, You Start To Think About Things!

in #ulog6 years ago

As the title of this short U-log states, often enough when you have too much time on your hands you start to think about things and sure enough, you start reflecting upon things that have past.

Life is too short to waste on negativity, why some people do that idk.

Life is too short to waste on material things, as they are temporary and as such are a temporary source of happiness and satisfaction. Life is a lot more than what we on this earth too often consider to be "wealth" or as some call them "worldly riches". Life is an experience, a journey in which we affect others out there with our being.

Yes, we can all make a difference and it is only once we start living for gold, money, material riches that we get sidetracked and often enough forget that all these "riches" come and go, they become obsolete and worthless, whether it be because of inflation or because of technological advancements, they become absolutely worthless.

Think about it.


Yes it's better use the time to help others or do something you feel passion doing it before just think about life and the sense of it, life is just one and in this world there'are a lot of things to do and a lot of people to help. Regards

You say that money, isn't everything,
But I'd like to see you live without it.

You reminded me of this Silverchair song from back in the day. I've struggled with both sides of the argument for years. I usually circle back to a quote from Spike Milligan

"Money can't buy you happiness but it does bring you a more pleasant form of misery."

Of course, this was a comedian's take so I can really appreciate the truth and humor in it. I've had stuff and I've lost stuff but at the end of the day it is all just stuff. We can't take it with us when we 'check out' so how we spend our time is all that truly matters.

What we do is what we leave here and the impacts that we make ripple and carry on. I'm looking forward to less time spent worrying and more time to LIVE and feel alive.

Some good thoughts here... tough ones, for many. Money is important to give us freedom to do the things we want, but at the same time, the pursuit of money can bleed relationships dry. Then what? What is left if money is always priority #1? sigh

Love this song. Thanks for the thoughtful post!

So what is the thing that drives you and gives you direction, Jack? Is there something that you would sacrifice everything else for?

Pleasure, wealth, power, fame, love, knowledge, freedom, salvation, . . .?

My kids.

Always for your kids

I'm so with you on this one @jackmiller
But I confess I sometimes do get caught up in the swirl of more, more, more ...because it's everywhere and it's almost like if you are happy with your lot you are a loser haha
And you have plenty of time?... Nice... I wouldn't mind more of that though 😊

Money is important for stability. Beyond that, nothing can replace love, loyalty and real connections. I’m not one who worships ‘more’, I’m all about quality.

Anyway, I always appreciate your words. Every day starts with a reminder not to time waste on negative energy and to focus on the many tasks I need to accomplish for me.

Nice post, Jack. ❤️

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