Bridging Communities! U-logging my Witness Updates!

in #ulog6 years ago

One of the tasks I have as a Witness is to try and bridge the communities that I am a member of.

Sounds easy? Maybe.

Sounds difficult? Maybe.

However all it takes is a little bit of good will and finding what I refer to as a "common denominator".

In the next months, one of the things that I shall concentrate on heavily is to concentrate my efforts on trying to make synergy happen where it can. To have good people find things in common and to build upon these foundations.

Personally, I don't care who takes the "glory" from it all, my happiness and joy shall be in seeing it happen and knowing that I took part in it. No matter if it be just letting an idea out into the open and helping people see the goodness and potential it can bring to all involves, or if need be to take on the tasks of negotiations and management.

Our Steem ecosystem is such that when people help people to help themselves, with our Proof of Brain concept there is literally no limit to what can be achieved.

So, once again, a lot of communicating, lobbying and what can best be described as giving myself into something I truly believe in, with my whole heart, mind and soul.

I think that I may have found a solution to the "transparency issue" in this type of engagement and that is the concept of "U-logging".

As it isn't really an easy task to write up an entire post with all the details and literally with all the formatting after spending hours on end dealing with differences of opinions, needs, wishes, technical requirements. The visions of the future that every individual wishes to describe and make happen. All this does really take a lot out of a person.

I'm not complaining, I am just telling it as it is.

So, as a Witness and fellow Steemian, I shall use the Ulogging option to keep everyone up to date with what I am doing and which is not necessarily material for a full on "novel" of a post.

Just today I spent over half a day discussing with various people from very similar Discord servers all about how to logically and methodologically go about unifying the three existing servers into one, so that all that energy and passion that exists in all three servers can be put into one and that it be combined into something so great that it shall change many lives out there.

I see that we can change lives, for so many people, our Steem ecosystem has made this possible and I shall do my best to give from and of myself the most that I can to make this happen. Even if I make a little ripple in our pond, I know that with all the positive energy I see out there that ripple shall become a wave of goodness and its shall change so much for so many people.

I appreciate your time and hope that this new approach to a journal of the activities that I am involved in as a Witness and fellow Steemian may help make all my efforts and works a lot more transparent and clearer to everyone out there.

Yours truly



There are so many Discord channels out there. You can spends hours just chatting with everyone in the channels you like. There is one channel I have found that just started that tries to put many together in some general groups, homesteaders, preppers, self-reliant, solar, etc. together. I am not sure how it will work, it is a family-friendly channel, so some may not be too interested in it. It is GHS Collective. It has just started up. @freedompoint and @freedomtowrite started this. If interested DM one of these two people.
Freedom To Write#2505

Personally, I don't care who takes the "glory" from it all, my happiness and joy shall be in seeing it happen and knowing that I took part in it.

Excellent, my friend.

THE OFFLINE MINNOW SCHOOL AND THE BAITS YOUTH CHAPEL are already united together with the SteemChurch for this purpose. United with Christs!

Excellent intentions that you have @jackmiller, because it is a reality in the union is the strength to make any project come true. Keep persevering in your time God will give victory. Greetings and blessings!!

In my opinion the main thing is giving the update and no matter how you are giving it, so in my opinion if you are sharing important updates in the form of Ulog then it's effective. And yes, i can understand how much it will drain one person when we have to collaborate all the aspects and then have to write every stuff, it's not easy.

And yes, Steem is much more than we think, today some people can eat food effectively who belongs to Third World Countries and before no one brought this kind of change. And yes, today it can reflect small but the day will come when it will expand more than we ever thought.

Thanks for sharing this post with us and wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂

THIS IS GREAT!!! I really admire your work Jack

You got my vote @jackmiller, I think you are definitely on the right track.

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