Ulog no. 15:You never know what you have until you lose it

in #ulog6 years ago


Just watching a movie here and a man has turned a loving, caring wife into a punching bag simply because of a misunderstanding which he had refused to talk to the wife about it. It just got me thinking, that's just how life is for some people. You have something so precious and valuable in your possession, everybody seems to see that except for you the owner. How ironic is that??

It is true what they say these days:

You never know what you have until you lose it

When you fail to appreciate what you have, you end up losing it and that feeling of regret forever hunts you. The things you would have done and wouldn't have done if you knee better, having to face the consequences of every mistaken actions you ever took. That feeling just hardly goes away and stays with us forever.

It is always a good thing to appreciate what you have, cherish it and hold it steadfastly. I remember my grandmother who always appreciated every little gift i gave her. She was more like my mom because i grew up with her as a kid. She was always there for me and i always thought that when i grew up, i will be rich and take good care of her. I did not see the little gifts i gave her to be anything but she appreciated them so much. As i grew up, i gradually drifted away from her and i was caught up in my teenage life and hardly went to visit her. She will ask me everytime we met why i hardly visited her again? I will just tell her it was just school. Even when she was in the hospital on her dying bed, i was not able to visit her then and she passed on.

It was tough on me to realize that she was gone. I never thought that she go that soon but she did and i regretted everytime i failed to visit her. That was all she ever really craved for, time with her grandson whom she loved but i did not give her even that. It has thought me a lesson to appreciate what i have, the time i spend with all those around me. Sometimes i still make that mistake of being so caught up in my own affairs that i fail to make time for my family and loved ones. It's always been a weakness in me but after my grandmother, I decided to really fight it off and that i will continue to do.

You never know what you have until you lose it. So don't waste chances you have today only to regret tomorrow.



Good words to live by sir. After loosing my first son, not a day is taken for granted. You are right we must hold steadfast to the things we love. Your grandma understands brother, and she is proud of you for all you've accomplished and the kind things you do. I hope you have a good weekend friend.

So sad to hear about your Son my friend..
Thanks so much for the warm words, i hope to meet her one day again. I am sure your son is in a better place and there will be a day of reunion.
A bleesed weekend my friend..

You never know what you have until you lose it.

So true, @hermannsol. So very true.

Thank you for sharing your story about your grandmother and regretting that you didn't spend more time with her before she passed. I lost both my father and sister and regret not being able to spend more time with them while they were here.

Cheering you on as you now habitually make time to be with your family and loved ones. Time is the most precious gift we can give anyone.... it's our most valuable resource.

Bless you and Thanks again for the reminder:

So don't waste chances you have today only to regret tomorrow.

This comment was made from https://ulogs.org

Thanks so much for your valuable comment and sharing about your father and sister. We learn from our every mistake. Stay blessed dear @angelacs.

You're very Welcome, @hermannsol.

Yes, if we're paying attention and truly want to evolve, we do learn from our every mistake.... and with God's Grace, can turn every mistake in to Blessings in our lives and the lives of others. Failing via mistakes are such precious opportunities.

Thanks, Blessings always appreciated. Continue being Blessed and being a Blessing. Your grandmother and all your ancestors are so proud of you, @hermannsol.

Thanks so much for your valuable comment and sharing about your father and sister. We learn from our every mistake. Stay blessed dear @angelacs.

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