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RE: Ulog #8: Cool walk on a bright day

in #ulog6 years ago

Sounds like a smart idea to enjoy those dry sidewalks while they last.:)
I hear there has been a lot of rain lately. It looks like a beautiful walk with all the flowers in bloom. Yellow is such a happy cheerful color. Day lily is the first thing that comes to me when looking at the last one, but just a guess.


It was a good walking exercise. 😊

Yes, it has been raining for days because of monsoon rains coupled with a typhoon. Many low-lying areas were actually flooded. But again, the rain subsided today which is very good.

Thanks for helping out with that last flower. Day lily is also the one coming out of my search but is not a day lily. Anyway, we will figure it out sooner or later. 😊

I'm glad @cicisaja came over she knows a lot about plants, especially medicinal and edible. All I ever know the ones in my area.

And thank you for directing her to my post! Thank you too for the pay it forward initiative that she mentioned. I went through few of your pay it forward entries and found it really amazing that people like you reach out to help others.

Kudos and long live!

Thanks so much! We all have a lot of fun with the #payitforward. Come play along anytime. A new round starts each week.

I'll be glad to join with any way I can help. 😊

Here is the place to check it out. You will have lots of fun and it is really easy.

Yap, I've been going through @thedarkhorse's blog and trying to figure it out. So maybe you can also help me out with my understanding if I got it correctly.

  1. I pick 2 bloggers with quality content blogs
  2. I curate their blogs in just one blog
  3. I comment the link of my curation on @thedarkhorse's blog

Did I get it right? 🙂

Exactly! Just remember they have to be rep 55 or under. Other than that you are good to go. They will be so excited to have a new participant.

I on't really know about plants 😉 but anything that lives in Philipina will be easily find in Indonesia and I think that our government really love to make same policies such as planting the poisonous trees as shade on each side of the street 😂 and that oleander especially native to Mexico.

Funny! I did not know that our government loves to make policies on planting poisonous trees as shade! 😃

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