How I ushered in the Earth Pig

in #ulog6 years ago (edited)


Yes red lantern are everywhere and it's once more Chinese New Year! So how did I usher in the last zodiac if the Chinese calendar?

Toping my list is encouraging my friends to join #steemit. They discover my blog about a local pocherohan and the rest is history. Don't get me
wrong after several failed pitches to friends and family and with the ongoing decline of SBD some even doubting it it was a scam I decided to stop inviting and let those interested asked me instead
Right after a small despedida party for my friend Rhea, I answered some questions or my friends Nyka and Chy about the platform. I can see their eyes twinkle at the possibility of earning from one's post. I still have to await their self introduction. I promised to share their post to my followers .Steemit is not just an opportunity for me to earn money I can share with others but also a smary way to pay tribute to every experience and humans I ever came across that made living worthwhile. That being said maybe I should gather courage to do another promotion talk with friends and family asap.


They say chicken encourages luck to fly out of the window. But I think one's luck has nothing to do with the foods one prepare to celebrate nor the charms that adorns ones house or the dragon dance that never fails to amaze me.It always smiles to a few simply because not everyone had the courage to run after it On this note, I applaud my friend Rhea because despite being a mom to two adorable kids she is brave enough to call it quits when better opportunities present themselves. I on the other side had always attributed my lack of success to my timid character.
Becaus I won't get to celebrate my 41st natal day with her in the same building and because Chy and Nyka were also gearing up for greener pastures I opted to treat them for a bucket of friend chicken while they cover for everything else. Goodbyes are hard as always but like welcoming another year we take comfort that something better is heading out way.
While I try to capture the dragon in its dance I can't help ask myself what things should I do differently to bring in all those blessings my heart desire?

I commit to writing one post a day in preparation for my IELTs exam. I will dedicate my free time jotting down my thoughts in hope it will be useful to some while trying to engrain those memories longer than my brain cells will allow me. If you know me intimately you'd know how forgetful I am For this I am super grateful of Steemit as it allows me a media where I can share my videos, pictures and article to the world for free.


Two,in honor of the pig, a symbol of opulence, I will decrease my consumption of its juicy meat for health reasons. So with no further adeu to this cute fellow that become a famous Hollywood character Babe I promised myself more fruits and veggies on my plate after the celebration. So the Chinese idea of preparing fruits wasn't baseless at all because health is wealt as famous saying goes .

So when my elementary friends invited me to sumptuous lunch I ate as if there's no tomorrow as it will be my last for this year.


Indeed culinary guru Michael Bourdain was correct in saying in Philippines one can find the tastiest roasted pig or lechon but I hope he also made a disclaimer that too much eating of pork can kill you if not broke your finance.

It takes a strong motivation to say no to these original and spicy boneless lechon inasal or to the aromatic temptation of that black dinuguan made from pigs blood IMG_20190202_153824.jpg

I could not just put my fork away when I saw the flaked roasted pig sauteed in salted eggs and fresh tomatoes.
Because fat people are always likened to pigs and to many sadly are percieved as sloth and undiscipled I opted to cut my rice to one cup a day instead of the usual three. As much as I am less likely to join the bandwagon of food supplements or weight loss pills I must admit having a leaner body saves me from buying new jeans ,increases my longevity and save me a lot of money from unnecessary hospital bills.

We all know how overweight cause many health issues so to cut back on my rice I bought portable blenders and made a pact with myself to do more household chores than have them. done elsewhere. Yes laundry shops and taking a jeepney ride instead of walking is convenient but it puts also much toll on my body in terms of extra calories.So this 2019 I am kicking them out like the big roaring drums driving out the bad omen in any facility.
To make my actions intentional I bought portable blenders so I can do more smoothie.For today ,I kick off with chia seeds , soursup and apple. I hope I develop this healthy habit. Successful people as researchers points are always men of good habits. So I hope this leads to other attitudinal changes in me.


I realized I gained weight faster than most because I tend to eat out when I am emotionally stress than channel it productively. While many battles with bulimia and anorexia I struggle with gluttony.
Most of often than not I tend to purchase when I'm blue. It explains for the many clothes,bags,shoes ,scarves, hat etc I kept. Hopefully this act of not gratifying my desires like hunger pangs would lead to a more self disciplined me.

For 2019 I will challenge myself to be more creative in restyling my wardrobe, and to discover more healthy ways to manage the pangs of living alone and the occupational stress I signed up for. I would have to relearn the importance of laughter and relaxation to my wellness.I need to go hone more soft skills as with others I can reach success earlier than just on my own.For this I need to teach myself to be more appreciative of others.

I resolve to allot more time to foster mutually satisfying relationship.To collect memories than things. To be more passionate about my volunteer work.To dream bolder and act with more faith IMG_20190203_093427.jpgNo longer will I let others make me believe the limitations they have of me.Like Feng shui only filtering the good energy I will work more in having a more positive attitude knowing the opposite won't serve me. I will learn new things as its parallel to living.
I will be picky with people I let into my circle as not everyone deserves my effort and my time. I will let true love finds me .And to be happy still if it doesn't.
This year I will leave my comfort zones since growth demands a new me. I will stop waiting for good fortune to find me. I will chase it with gusto and expect them to follow me wherever I go than succomb to fear of failure.

If there is one thing this new Year bring to my attention it is that time is fleeting. Our sorrows same as our grief are nothing but temporary. We have the option to make wiser choices in the future or kept punishing ourselves for the wrongs we did in our past. The choice has always been up to us. Right or not, to one's surprise the future is still worth waking up for the bottomless opportunities it offers.

Happy Chinese New Year everyone

Love lots,

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