An inspiring detour

in #ulog6 years ago (edited)


The really happy person is the one who can enjoy the scenery, even when they have to take a detour.
James Hopwood Jeans

Hi Folks,

Yesterday,I went to Carbon,thats a wet market here in Cebu to buy some.mangoes and lettuce.To my dismay ,I realized someone stole my pink tumbler while I was busy selecting my fruits.I was very very angry.I had to cool my boiling temper by going to church.My plan was just to say a short prayer ,pee then leave.But I did more than that.IMG_20180723_080916.jpg
"Life is a journey with almost limitless detours"
Ken Poirot

I learned they had been feeding the hungry every Sunday for 20years from generous donation.Today,the class of 1953 from Cebu Institute of Technology highschool batch sponsored the event with packed meal and toiletries for take home.I am inspired by this act of kindness as mostly reunions these days are just bragging opportunity for most.IMG_20180723_081618.jpg
I learned the group who is heading this event was rejected by another chuch because the parishioners there were scared of the influx of homeless people.It makes me think,how can you love God and be scared of your poor neighbors if God himself dined with whores murderer and tax collectors.
Matthew 25:35 New International Version (NIV)
35 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in

Many would frown at the idea of flooding social network for activities like this arguing we are encouraging them to be lazy and this efforts are not addressing the root cause of the problem which is poverty.But to me,in Gods words he didnt qualify if theyre at such state by their own doing or not.Besides it doesnt take a single step to solve a perennial problem like poverty global in scope as it is.My take ,at least we made effort to alleviate it than just shug our shoulders in resignation to the complexity of its solution or their demise.
In many feeding I had been to its true most of these people think the world owes them something.Many in fact instead of saying how grateful they are complain if they dont get a second serving when they knew for a fact others are still awaiting a serving.I label that as lack of wisdom.While others strive to make a better situation for themselves still few others are so stuborn to think an action they will put their heart into will not make a difference.In such , we can only do much.As much as we want to help them we cannot force them to have our wisdom .I am saddened to see many kids born out of parents who barely can find food for themselves but who am I to judge them if they percieve parenthood so differently.

To end,I will continue supporting this activity as much as I could.Hopefully to encourage this kids who will soon be parents of a life where giving is lot better than being doled out.I dont mean to encourage laziness or lack of parental reaponsibility just because I firmly believe its an innate right to have a good food .The God I pray for is compassionate to such people so unless I am ready to change my faith I will be using my time and resources alleviating this problem

Till then,


You'll be amazed on what you can find and see on detours.

@bayanihan many detours i had in this life to be thankful for .

You are doing great work madam.

@somesekhar it snot me actually i just help a little .many heroes are unsung

Nice @ayn! And every detour is such a great experience! God bless you all. Lovely post dear. ♥

@dearjoyce yes every detour has their own set of joy

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