Virtual war and love

in #ulog6 years ago (edited)

Suddenly I feel rather ridiculous.
(The boy photo of my late American husband! How handsome and perfect he was!)

If you have read my last Steemit blogs, you can know how I have been charged with plagiarism twice, and how I was besieged by a bunch of western people in Steemit terribly. The only harvest is that I just learned a new English word from an American woman: Torpedo. At that time she threatened me that since I was on Steemit, so I must abide by their rules, otherwise she would "Torpedo" 用鱼雷攻击me!

Too horrible! I also remember when I was dreaming to marry my American husband who was still my webfriend at that time, I once told a Chinese that I had a wonderful boyfriend, but he was a divorced father of 2 sons, that Chinese said, "God, never marry such kind of man, you will be bullied to death by his sons." I just smiled in my heart: I don't care, because my boyfriend is not Chinese, but American. I don't think American family is the same as Chinese family.

Who knows it is true? American family is just the same as Chinese family. After my American husband passed away suddenly in China, I became a miserable widow from a favored princess all of sudden! And I really was nearly "bullied" by his American family to death, his adult sons ordered me to deal with his funeral in China lonely, as if I was just a Chinese servant... They had no courage to come to China, they only dare to bully me, instead of that bloody/foxy wealthy Chinese school where my American husband worked! Only because I love and worship their father so much, so much, with my whole life and soul!

Oh, it is just my fate! This life the happy days are so short! Just to see yourself: You always dream to be a noble princess, a queen, the truth is you are no other than a humble servant...Losing your husband, that only man in the world who cherished you, you are just as humble as mustard.

Sometimes, I even think the evil Indian "sati" system is so beautiful. If I must throw myself on my husband's funeral pyre to commit suicide, I would like to do so! I make sure that they needn't "torpedo" me in order to let me abide by their rule.

The rest of life without my husband is so meaningless and empty.

If I can't get love any more, OK, let me fight bravely!

Below is part of recording between @Cendrine who claimed that I plagiarized her poem being posted in Weku and me! A virtual war!

Now I check her information online especially, it seems that she was born and grown in French, then she immigrated to Canada.

Me: Are you also in Steemit? I am sorry. I only read that poem in Weku accidently. I doubt how you find my Steemit account. but maybe it is due to those people!
I left a link in my blog, anyone can know you are the author of that poem, I only translate it into Chinese, that's all. I never tell lies, so the word "plagiarize" is not proper!

@Cendrine: Proper credit is as follows: title of piece, name of the author and link. And you need to ask for permission before borrowing.

Instead, you copied and pasted my stuff without mentioning who wrote it. Saying that it comes from Weku is NOT enough.

Plagiarizing is the proper word.

You were easy to find, trust me.

Please remove your post or I will have to report you.

... ...

@Cendrine: I did report you. You cannot even apologize for what you did. It is basic copyright infringement and you don't have the honesty to admit it.

Being on the Internet doesn't mean that you can do what you want with content that isn't yours. Copyright applies to any piece of art, online and offline. If you didn't create it, you have to ask permission to the author before using it for any purpose. It's common sense and a way to prove that you actually respect artists.

It would have taken you a minute or two to contact me directly. And you know what? I would have actually given you permission to use the piece to be translated and appear on your blog.

You do NOT have my permission to use the piece. So remove it. Period. I don't care if you believe that you are right and honest. Because you aren't.

I am going to keep an eye on you. You will be reported every time I see you borrow content without properly crediting it.

... ...

@Cendrine: It's called "clicking on profiles to see links to websites". You should try it, it takes two seconds. But you seem to be a little too lazy for that.

Me: @Cendrine, I am sorry. I didn't click your link in Weku. I only noticed that poem by accident. And I also post that poem in another social website :ONO. I don't tell lies. ONO is like Weku and Steemit. In fact, people can't earn good money by posting blogs in them. But people dream to earn good money! If you want to earn money by posting your poems or blogs, maybe you can register a ONO account. Anyone can get free 100 ONOT.

@Cendrine: No, thank you. All I want is apologies and the disappearance of your post.

Me: Oh. I am sorry. I think a lot. I don't know about your social status, maybe you are just some kind of VIP, some royal member, who knows? Yeah, of course, I know it should be really a great sin if I offend VIP/royal member carelessly.

However, even if you are really a VIP/royal member, you forget it is online, nobody knows our real social status, I can claim I am American president, a movie star, etc.

My dear friend, if you prove me that you are a VIP or royal member, I make sure I will apologize to you, it will be my honor. Otherwise you have no right to force me to delete my Chinese translation blog! I judge that you are not an international VIP, because you don't know how to treat different people properly, you confuse the plagiarism with citation on purpose, how dare you be so arrogant and insolent? You only live in your own living circle, regardless of offline or online. You are ignorant about the outside world, like a frog in a deep well watching the sky, your sky is no bigger than a month of the hell, but you are trying to exert your despotic power online, affirming your supremacy in a virtual world! No, you are playing a farce like a clone! You should be grateful to me since I help you translate your poem into Chinese, you should feel being honored. We are all common people, being equal, stop assuming yourself as a winner of Nobel prize in literature.

All in all, thank you for your poem,I must say that it is really great!

You see, internet is really a great incredible tool! Many times we are so puzzled! We can't even distinguish which world we really live in!

Such kind of virtual love and war is so true and vivid!

My late American husband accompanied me online for the whole 5 years. Only God knows how I was happy to talk with him on QQ(a Chinese chatting tool, now QQ is replaced by Wechat)for several hours in a row, although in the cold winter night, my finger was frozen stiff when tapping the keyboard of my old broken computer, (at that time, I didn't know what smartphone was as well as wi-fi!)since there was no heating equipment in my room; How I couldn't wait to check his email to me everyday; how I loved and worshipped him crazily, crazily, crazily! If my heart could fly out of my breast, it must fly to US earlier! Pitifully, visa is a huge barrier, like the death separated us forever! When I finally see him in Beijing international airport, my heart was drunken! I should use "euphoria" to describe my feeling! I finally realized my ultimate dream--meeting my Prince Charming, my American teacher, my God in reality at the first time! Life is so so perfect!

Who knows only 15 months after he came to China at the second time, my American husband was found dead suddenly in China? I also had to witness my Prince Charming to be sent into the crematorium in reality! Our life is just like a dream between birth and death! However, God knows how he dedicated his life to helping Chinese students learn English!



















It is a wonderful poem written by a Chinese MMM member, in honor of the sudden death of Mavrodi(Because of you)--the founder of MMM in Moscow!

If anyone can translate the above Chinese poem into English, I will be very appreciated! Very beautiful like a painting!

I wish my late American husband in heaven can follow these Chinese sentences, thus he will know how I miss him! In my mind he was a man as kind and great as Mavrodi!

Below is part of English translation by myself:

"When a lonely figure fell down at a noisy bus stop, kissing goodbye with the earth on March 26th, 2018, the Ob river's endless waves were lost to sight all of sudden; the falling wine needles were saying farewell to the birch forest, there was no tear in Moscow.

"What time can you come back again since you have gone? Raising my cup I beckon the bright moon lonely, I have no choice but to drown my sorrows in another cup of wine...


"You will live in our hearts forever..."

My Prince Charming, I miss you crazily, like I love and worship you crazily when you were on earth!


Hi @ginafraser, I'm @checky ! While checking the mentions made in this post I noticed that @cendrine doesn't exist on Steem. Did you mean to write @endrina ?

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