in #ulog6 years ago

Feliz Noches mis queridos #Ulogs espero que hayan tenido el mejor de los dias y sino resulto asi pues demos gracias a Dios por las cosas qur quizas no nos gustaro pero que esas tambien forman parte del paronama para nuestro crecimiento personal dia a dia😊

Happy Nights my dear #Ulogs I hope you had the best of days and if not, then let's give thanks to God for the things that we might not like but that are also part of the paronama for our personal growth day by day😊


Hoy les quiero presentar imagenes de un Meetup realizado en mi ciudad les confieso que no tenias para nada ganas de asistir a este evento, no me gustan ese tipo de actividades ya que las veo como reuniones simples y tipo herbalife que hablan y hablan y no llegan a nada jajajaja y disculpen si hay alguien aqui que se identifique con esa marca pero ustedes ya saben a que me refiero.

Today I want to present images of a Meetup held in my city I confess that you had no desire at all to attend this event, I do not like that kind of activities as I see them as simple meetings and herbalife type that speak and speak and do not arrive to nothing hahaha and apologize if there is someone here that identifies with that brand but you already know what I mean.


Lo cierto fue que por motivaciones de amistades y familiares me lograron converser y fui a la tan esperada velada, lea digo la verdad? Me gusto me parecio increible jajajaja oye me ha parecido que me adquiridos conocimientos e informacion que ignoraba de la plataforma #steemit el chico que llevo toda la oratoria fue muy amable en explicar paso por paso de como es el buen uso de esta comunidad soci y muchas de las personas intercambiaron dudas para ser aclaradas y todo el material que se podia necesitar que nos sirva para mejorar dia a dia.

The truth is that for reasons of friends and family I managed to talk and went to the long awaited evening, I read tell the truth? I liked it seemed incredible hahahaha hey it seemed to me that I acquired knowledge and information that I did not know about the platform #steemit the guy who took all the oratory was very kind to explain step by step how is the good use of this community soci and many of the people exchanged doubts to be clarified and all the material that could be needed that helps us to improve day by day.


Superaron mis expectativas de la velada, adquiri muchisima informacion valiosa referente a criptomoneds, el buen uso de los tag, formatos, billetera comunidades cercanas que nos pueden ayudar a crecer mas y asi muchisimas cosas mas, al final del evento se hizo la rifa de esos pequeños vasitos azules que ven en la fotografia y habia un premio ganador dentro en uno de ellos el cual era 2 SBD jajajaja del cual yo no fui la feliz ganadora sino les hubiese mostrado fotografias, pero me lleve un cotillon dentro y eso es valioso tambie, aqui les dejo fotografias de mi dia de hoy.

They surpassed my expectations of the evening, acquired a lot of valuable information regarding criptomoneds, the good use of tag, formats, wallet nearby communities that can help us grow more and many more things, at the end of the event the raffle was made of those small blue cups that you see in the picture and there was a winning prize in one of them which was 2 SBD hahahaha of which I was not the happy winner but I had shown them pictures, but I took a cotillon inside and that is valuable tambie, Here I leave photos of my day today.


Thanks for reading my day to day my #uloggers a hug and a happy night I wish you!

Thank you @surpassinggoogle @ulog @teardrops for giving this me the opportunity to share this moment with #Uloggers and Steemians.

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