ULOG NO.37: Tuning My Life (Video Inside)

in #ulog6 years ago (edited)


Hello everyone! I missed you all for three days already. I had been so busy doing field study, reviewing for our board exam (although it is still quite far from the LET).

How had you been doing? For my friends around the world, I hope you are doing well despite the heavy storms, traffic, and other problems in your lives.

I have seen some posts over socia media that different parts of the country experienced and had been experiencing heavy floods because of the weather disturbance. Drink your vitamins, please stay dry, and be careful of flood waters because it is a carrier of a lot of deadly diseases.

Anyway here in our city, after several days, we had been doing great. I hope this would continue as the unpredictable weather can cause serious headaches for me. It can also easily weaken my immune system.

2018-07-24 12.03.59 1.jpg
About yesterday, Aug and I spent a day at our humble home reading books that would help us enrich our knowledge on social studies, but before that we had lunch at home.

It was just so funny that I got so paranoid while trying to deep fry some patties. I really do not like the idea of oils flying to face or other body parts. The pain is unbearable. I thank God that Aug was there to help me out. We were laughing then when she blurted out "Ayaw sa ha" (or Not now please) to the pan.


After going over some reading materials at home, Aug and I decided to visit the Korean Art and the restaurant beside it. It was few meters away from home though so we decided to walk.

I bought some samyang, tteokboki (rice cake), gajang, and juices. While Aug bought some noodles and ice cream. It was fun doing a quick shopping at the Korean Mart since they have a number of ingredients. I really love to try different food from other cultures. After that, we bought a cooked tteokboki on a restaurant beside the korean mart. The servings were a lot for US$1.

Speaking of tuning my life, as I tried to tune my ukelele yesternight, I made an assessment to myself as to how I managed to change for my future. I am actually the carefree type of person.

I must say I changed a lot but there are also other things I need to change about myself.

Priority management instead of time management. I have realized that no matter what I do, time will always be constant so instead of managing it which is impossible, I would rather focus on my priorities. I have learned that for the past months I focused on building and preparing myself for the future. I spent hours studying and reviewing which I seldom do before. I also gave more importantance to the people around me than to focus on my own feelings.

God above all.
I admit I had been a hypocrite for the years I have lived on this planet. I keep telling people to love God and follow His ways but then I keep disregarding Him. I know I am still a learning process but I just pointed this flaw of mine recently. I really need to work on my relationship with Him. This is manifested or reflected also on how I treat others.

Other things I need to change
I have always been rude and mean to people that I do not like. Some people might find it good to be myself but I also find it unnecessary to hurt the feelings of others just because I do not want them.

Where is the sweet Johanna have been gone to? Oh well, this would require me to have another quiet time. Got to go now guys! I hope we will all be better inside and out!

Johanna Gail

@gailbelga or Johanna Gail is a free-spirited freelance artist. She took up Bachelor of Arts in International Studies in one of the Ateneo universities in the Philippines. She is currently a candidate for Masters in Public Administrations. She is also taking up Certificate on Teaching. She volunteers in various non-profit/nongovernmental organization which aims for human rights through political education. She draws and writes about the country to provide awareness and promote the Philippines to foreign tourists.

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