A not so lucky day indeed as my dog bit me (Ulog46)

in #ulog6 years ago

WARNING: Text post may contain some curse words as the blogger wanted to be spontaneous in speaker in a manner that her words are not barred with the idea that her audience are her friends. For short, she wanted to be straight-forward just the way she speaks to her friends in real life.

Kidding aside, I will just make this text post quick because my brother and I need to go the bite center in awhile. And yes, my dog bit me.

The photo down below is my arm that was bitten yesternight by one of our dogs. I swear, I did not see it coming though. Anyway, I will share it on the latter part of this text post since for me it seemed to be the highlight of my day yesterday.


Yesterday was a long day!

Well, it has really been for me. I start my day a bit late than the usual number of people. I tend to sleep late because my brain is very active at night until dawn. But yesterday was quite different, oh even you today. I woke up earlier than the usual and decided to do some household chores such as gardening.



If you had been following me on my earlier days here in steemit, you would know that I love to take good care of our plants at home particularly our succulents. I even shared some insights on how to take good care of some succulents based on my own experience in gardening. But since I became so busy at school, I forgot to take good care of these babies of mine.

The fact that they all grew up into lovely succs and cacti, painted a huge smile on my face. I just remember how I observe them everyday and try hard that the seedlings would turn into healthy "young adults".

It was really tiring but seeing the product of my effort made me very happy.


Yesterday was not a totally bad day though as some of my friends made it bright.

Augelyn and I met yesterday as we needed to get some documents from one of our instructors in Certificate for Teaching. I was not expecting she would show up with her boyfriend, Ceferino III. It was sweet of them that they shared some of Cef's chocolates that he bought during his course as a seaman.

After meeting Cef and his family which is quite weird though. I guess some of you could relate to the level of awkwardness. Aug and I spent some time alone. We got to share some of our feelings towards different issues that we were facing.

The Very Unexpected Thing Happened Then
My dog bit me few minutes after being at home. I was not sure what made him very aggresive. One of my friends suggested that maybe because he has been leashed for years.

I totally froze after the incident. And as I could remember my mother was so shocked with what happened while my brother was so worried he sent me outside to have the wound cleaned.

I really cried so bad then thinking that my family would dispose our dog. Despite the fact that our dog bit me, he has been so dear to me. One cannot just seem to throw a family member just because he caused some problems right?

@gailbelga or Johanna Gail is a free-spirited freelance artist. She took up Bachelor of Arts in International Studies in one of the Ateneo universities in the Philippines. She is currently a candidate for Masters in Public Administrations. She is also taking up Certificate on Teaching. She volunteers in various non-profit/nongovernmental organization which aims for human rights through political education. She draws and writes about the country to provide awareness and promote the Philippines to foreign tourists.

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