Ulog #60 lets start the fight

in #ulog6 years ago


Good evening everyone!

It is already 6:51pm since one hour we already dont have eletricity.
The goverment already put warning signal no. 4 in the area but the eye of the typhoon is still far.

It will hit us estimated after midnight.

Our generator is not working so just the candels, one flashlight and the mobiles are the only light we have.

I dont think so that i can make pictures at night because i think i will be happy if we survive it. Maybe morning.

Already some trees were broken and continuously there is a noise of the roofs and the trees.

This is some kind of feeling that you cant get use to it.
Even this is the third time in the past 7 years but still i am afraid deep inside.
Few days ago i was jokeing and jokeing but now when the time is here i have to tell you honestly guys that i am afraid. Not because of myself but i am worry for my 11 months old baby and my wife. Next month should be the birthday of my little girl.

And the worst in this whole situation is that i cant do nothing else. We tried to prepair ourself and the house but that is never enought.

Last night i slept 3 hours and today also afternoon 3 hours. I am tired but i cant sleep. I have to be ready to fix what ever happen or in worst case to leave the house and bring my family to the evacuation centers.

Before somebody ask me why we didnt left earlier?

Because all what we have is here in the house. So we cant leave it here. And hope that after the typhoon Lawin 2 years before this one also we survive here in the house.

Wish us a good luck and hope soon i will be back with another update post.


whats the update there ma friend.. here only winds at the dawn., but Tuguegarao i think is worse than here in central luzon.hope your fam is doing okay..

i just make a post about the update. Huhuuu it was crazy. i dont know if the farm will survive or not because of the strong wind and the flood. Later we can see until that i just pray.
Thank u that u think about us😊

I try to make some more pictures but no chance. We dont have enought light. Full darkness everywhere😔

Akkor ne fotózzál, hanem foglalkozz a családdal. Ilyenkor amúgy nem lehet lecuccolni a pincébe, vagy nem divat a pince arrafelé?

Mindenesetre remélem nem lesz semmi para! Kitartás!

Nyugi az lesz. Csak akartam loni par fotot kesobb de eselytelen. Par eve a Yolanda tajfunnal iszonyu jo videokat csinaltam de az exem gepen maradtak sajnos.
Na a pince! Igen! Azt itt meg hirbol sem ismerik pedig rohadtul jol jonne itt ahol evi 20 tajfun tuti van. Bar ilyenkor sok helyen arviz is van szoval ja......
Meg egyenlore nem veszes amugy de erosodik rendesen es ugye lattad itt milyen tetok vannak hat remiszto. Mar most recseg ropog minden.
Na majd kesobb meg leszek remelem most telefon kikapcs mert sporolni kell az akkuval.

Mi ártéren lakunk, de még itt is van egy-két helyen pince, még ha a régebbiek fel is vizesednek néha. De olyant még nem hallottam, hogy az esőtől megteltek volna, mondjuk van hová folynia a víznek, meg nincs nagyon domborzat sem, nem tud sok összegyűlni.

huhuuu hat itt igen. Itt par perc alatt annyi tud esni hogy arvizek vannak. Ezert is akdtam ki hogy manilaban metrot akarnak epiteni vagy mar epitik is. Mondtam akkor vegyenek bele tengeralattjarot is.

Mindenki elaludt en meg varom a legrosszabbat. Egyre aggasztobb hirek jonnek. Komolyan mondom most parazok rendesen pedig nem szoktam.

4 kisgyerek van itt akikre nekem kell vigyaznom. kozuk az enyem is. anyos szegeny oreg csak en es a parom occse vagyunk itt ha valami tortenik.

Kapcsold már ki a telefonod! Drukkolunk meg minden, te meg spórolj az aksival.

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