ulog: Raining on Sunday

in #ulog6 years ago (edited)

Hebrew 10:25 - Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another and all the more as you see the Day approaching.


It is raining and I still make my way to Church on Sunday.

The rain really makes me feel like staying at the comfort of my home.



As you can see that I have left the comfort of my home despite the heavy rain.

I head to the venue on the long escalator.


I have been attending New Creation Church for about 29 years since a teenager after accepting Jesus as my saviour.

As we gather every Sunday, I can say that we can get too familiar with the message.

It takes commitment to make it a point to attend every Sunday.

As I stated from the bible, we should gather as a Church even though the person sitting beside me may not be someone that I know.

It is easy to give up whenever we lose the passion in the things we do but we can find fresh experience when we choose not to give up and continue our journey.

May God bless those who are faithful even during your times of storm and challenges as he stays faithful to us forever.

As I sat on the church chair while listening to the message, esteem app has allowed me to post this short ulog.

Thanks for reading this short ulog.

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