#ULOG 476 - Daily Thoughts - 22 Sep 18 - Homesteading Today...

in #ulog6 years ago

Good Morning, Steemians! :D

It’s cold enough to need a sweater or jacket out in the wind, but we’ve got sunshine, YAY!

It’s going to be a busy morning here on the homestead, chores, head into town to run errands, go to the next town over to deliver a few things, head home again, whew. :D I’m heading outside to do the chores now, look at how pretty my favorite tree is with the clouds behind it, the sky is slowing clearing up and the sun will be shining in the backyard too soon. :D

The chickens were afraid to come out in the wind this morning, I’m amazed it didn’t take any of them away to be honest. :D

I don’t blame them though, the wind was very strong this morning, I had a hard time walking over to the barn, it kept shoving me towards the front yard and pasture. :D

The boys were full of energy this morning, I mean they were talking from the second I said good morning to the chickens as I was opening their coop, right up to the second they got their food, after that it was quiet as could be, LOL. :D Billy (1) and Joel (2) running towards me and their breakfast this morning. :D

Joel (1) happily enjoying his breakfast while Billy (2) tries to sneak over and steal some out of his dish. :D

Well I got the barn chores done, made it into town, did all my errands and even remembered the two important things I went into town to get too, stopped in to see my handsome husband and son at work, brought them both things they asked for, headed home again, loaded the feed that I bought while in town into the cart, picked it back up again when the cart tipped, not once, not twice, but three times, ugh. :D I would have been better off backing the car up as close to the barn as I could and just carrying them the rest of the way, LOL. :D After I’d finished and went to go inside I noticed that the wind had knocked over our barbecue, NOOOO, I love that barbecue, but I couldn’t lift it, not after lifting the feed multiple times, so I had to climb over it to get inside. I hope my afternoon is less eventful than my morning, LOL. :D This poor barbecue has had a rough life, its been blown completely off the side deck at least once, and been flipped twice, the wind gets too strong some days. :D

I had a relatively calm and quiet afternoon; the herd hid in the trees to keep out of the wind until just before their mid-afternoon nap time. :D They all decided the warmth of the sunshine outweighed the coolness of the wind I guess because I came outside to check on things and there they were Belle (1) (Leroy is on the far side of her), Candy (2), Joker (3), Buddy (4), and Princess (5) all settled in for their nap. :D

Our handsome grand-puppies Shadow (1) and Tiny (2), their lovely sisters Mya (3) and Lady (4), their dapper dad Dakota (5) and beautiful mom Karma (6) all napped on or under the front steps until a vehicle came by then they had to get up, bark, sniff around the whole fenced in area, then settled down and fell right back asleep after a few minutes of sniffing. :D

I enjoyed a bit of play time in my favorite Blizzard Game, World of Warcraft (WoW). :D I took my druid through all the start up quests and cut scenes (like this one here) to get her able to start playing in the Battle for Azeroth (BfA) areas.

I also did some pet battles of course, since its still Pet Battle Bonus Week until end of day Monday. :D Here I am fighting one of the Tamers in Draenor, I love doing those, because I’ve got winning teams set up for each of them. :D I still need to figure out the perfect teams for the Tamers in BfA, but I’m working on it. :D If I get bored with my demon hunter I can play my druid now. :D Although the odds of me getting bored with my demon hunter is slim, at least until I’m able to fly in BfA areas. :D

I got this new pet this afternoon, he’s so ugly that he’s cute, if that makes sense to you. I love him, he’s undead, the undead and mechanical pets are my two favorite types of pets, they always get one last swing as they’re about to die, so they always go out fighting. :D I leveled him up from level one to level 25 in less than five minutes, thanks to all the Mechanical Family Pet Stones I had in my bank. :D

Sunset 1.

Sunset 2.

Sunset 3.

Sunset 4.

Sunset 5. (Mt. Katahdin (white arrow) is showing in this one, and its over 100 miles away, it’s a beautiful, clear night here on the homestead. :D)

Sunset 6.

Sunset 7.

Sunset 8.

Sunset 9.

Sunset 10.
Well that was our day here. How is/was yours? I hope you have/had an awesome day! :D

Anyone else interested in a badge like this? Contact @daddykirbs for a custom badge of your own. :D


I upvoted your post.

Mabuhay, keep steeming.

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Thanks for taking the time to visit, reading my post, and making a comment. :D
I'm so glad you enjoyed it enough to up vote it, thank you very much. :D God bless you. :D Have an awesome day! :D

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