#ULOG 439 - Daily Thoughts - 16 Aug 18 - Homesteading Today...

in #ulog6 years ago

Good Morning, Steemians! :D

I came out of my bedroom and my husband’s computer monitor caught my eye because this was on his screen and I thought it was pretty, so I snapped a picture before letting the puppies and grand-puppies outside for their morning constitutionals. :D

I missed the sunrise, boo, but at least we’ve got sunshine, surrounded by clouds at the moment, but still there’s sunshine this morning, YAY! :D

Chores went nice and smooth this morning. I turned the hose on for the tubs, thankfully the valve to the one that was full was shut off near the tub and the one that was empty was wide open and filled quickly, then I went and let all the chickens out of the big coop, the chicks weren’t sure about this new area yet because we clipped their wings and put them in at bedtime last night so they didn’t get to explore, but they were out exploring as soon as I opened their door this morning, they didn’t even let Red do his check for predators before they went out. :D

Even the piglets cooperated, Joel (1) and Billy (2) allowed me to pour their breakfast in their dishes, mix it with some water and let me get out of the way before they attacked their food. :D I got to clean their stall while they ate, and they stayed along the wall out of my way while I cleaned the stall, it was fantastic. :D

All this rain is great for the grass but it sure makes for a sloppy, slippery mess in front of our barn when the pond overflows, oh well the animals don’t seem to mind it, of course they aren’t as uncoordinated as I am, LOL. :D

Its breakfast time for Buddy (1), Joker (2), and Princess (3), thankfully they chose the front pasture for their dining experience this morning, so I could get this picture of them. :D

Belle (1), Candy (2), and Leroy (3) enjoying their breakfast in the front pasture as well. :D

Our handsome grand-puppies Tiny (4) and Shadow (5), and their dapper dad Dakota (6) were disappointed when Belle (1) moved away from the fence before they could chase her away, but Leroy (2) was thrilled because that meant he could get some milk without worrying about them getting him. :D Candy (3) just ignored us all completely and kept eating her breakfast. :D

Now I’m back in the house, the puppies and grand-puppies have shared my carrot muffin with me and are all settled in for their post-muffin/after chores nap, here’s our lovely grand-puppy Lady hogging our bed. :D

Our pretty puppy mom Karma napping beside my chair on the left. :D

I get to play some of my favorite Blizzard Game, World of Warcraft (WoW), WOOHOO! :D I’m hoping to finish off all the story quest lines for the first of the three new areas that came with the Battle for Azeroth (BfA) expansion today or tomorrow, if this headache I’ve got gets any worse though, it’ll be tomorrow. :D

Its mid-morning nap time for the herd, Princess (1) and Candy (2) are still finding their spot and finishing their snack but Buddy (3), Joker (4), Belle (5), and Leroy (6) have picked their spots and settled down for the nap. :D

Here I am flying around to complete a quest and finding new flight points in BfA. :D

Belle (5) telling Princess (1), Buddy (2), Joker (3), Candy (4), and Leroy (6) that mid-afternoon nap time is over. :D

I love my demon hunter in WoW because when I get lost, which is almost every time I turn around, I just need to find a path up high or a flight point that’s high enough, like this one, for me to jump off and glide to where I need to go. I wish Blizzard would stop taking the flight ability away every new expansion and making us re-earn it, but I get why they do. Too bad I’m so directionally challenged that making me run all over the map while doing quests to learn the map doesn’t help me at all. Once I finally get flight life is so much easier for me. :D

My husband and son are done work for the day and they brought home pea vines, much to the delight of our little herd, seen here happily eating them all up. :D

Its after-supper nap time for the herd but I could only get Leroy (1), Candy (2), Joker (3), and Princess (4) in this picture, and its barbecue our supper time for us. :D

The beautiful Belle having her after-supper nap with in the front pasture away from the rest of the herd, maybe she thinks it will cut down on the flies climbing over her if she’s away from the others. :D

Our handsome boy Buddy was even farther away for his after-supper nap. :D

We’ve got a few darker clouds rolling in but I’m pretty sure the sun is strong tonight and its going to stick around for some sunset photos. :D

Sunset 1.

Sunset 2.

Sunset 3.

Sunset 4.

Sunset 5.

Sunset 6.

Sunset 7.

Sunset 8.
Well that was our day here. How is/was yours? I hope you have/had an awesome day! :D

Anyone else interested in a badge like this? Contact @daddykirbs for a custom badge of your own. :D


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Buenos día. Excelente trabajo me encantó las fotos tienen muy buena vista. Saludos desde Venezuela hasta luego

Bienvenido de vuelta encantadora dama! :D Gracias por visitar. :D
Buenos días a usted desde Canadá. :D
Estoy tan contenta de que te haya gustado, sí, nuestra vista es bastante sorprendente, a menos que esté cubierta de niebla, pero incluso entonces hay una belleza escasa en la niebla, o tal vez estoy un poco loco y solo veo lo que quiero ver, si ese es el caso, estoy de acuerdo. :D LOL. :D
Cuídate y mantente bien, nos vemos en tu próxima visita. :D
Dios te bendiga. : D ¡Que tengas un día increíble, mi fabuloso amigo! :D
Welcome back lovely lady! :D Thanks for visiting. :D
Good morning to you from Canada. :D
I'm so glad you liked it, yes our view is pretty amazing, unless its covered in fog, but even then there's a sparse beauty in the fog, or maybe I'm a bit crazy and just see what I want to see, if that's the case though, I'm okay with it. :D LOL. :D
Take care of yourself and stay well, see you on your next visit. :D
God bless you. :D Have an awesome day my fabulous friend! :D

how are you my dear @frostyamber , i agree with you that the photo on your hubby's PC is indeed beautiful , loved the sunshining photos and of course the sunsets. jiw are the animals?
take care always , much lovefrom me and the minis 😘❤️❤️❤️

Welcome back lovely lady! :D Thanks for visiting. :D
I'm good @zephalexia, thank you for asking. :D How are you and the mini's? :D
Thanks, I forgot to see where it was, and it wasn't on there this morning, I'll have to wait for the next time it pops up to find out its location, looks like a very lovely place to visit, wherever it is. :D
I love taking my sunset pictures, I'm a bit ambivalent about the sunrise ones, on the one hand I love the ones I get, but on the other I like to sleep and am not a morning person, LOL. :D
Okay I've got to ask, is "jiw" a typo or an actual word, either way, what does it mean? :D The animals are all in there, I think, I try to make sure I've got at least one of each, some days someone's camera shy, but usually I get all of them in a post. :D
Sending hugs, love, and positive vibes to you and the mini's. :D
God bless you and your wonderful family. :D Have an awesome day my fabulous friend! :D

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