#ULOG 437 - Daily Thoughts - 14 Aug 18 - Homesteading Today...

in #ulog6 years ago

Good Morning, Steemians! :D

It’s a grey and gloomy looking morning out there this morning, but no rain yet, temperature of a balmy 25 C, and hopefully the sun will make an appearance later, perhaps in the afternoon, or maybe just in time for some sunset pictures, that would be good. :D

Well our day started off with my son saying the words that make your heart pump just a bit fast and get you grabbing for whatever clothes are closest and heading for your muck boots, “cow’s out” shortly after 0500 hours, oh joy. LOL. :D Thankfully my son managed to get hold of Joker’s (2) collar, my husband got hold of his tail to help steer him in the right direction. I went and opened the gate, after Joker was back in, my husband and son checked the electric fence pulsar and got it working again. :D I’m so glad my son noticed him before they’d left for work and we got him back in quickly enough that they weren’t even late for work, which is always a plus. :D When I went out to do the chores at 0730 hours I found Leroy (1) had joined Joker and they were both fast asleep in the main pasture. :D

When I went to take their picture I noticed the ladies, Belle (1), Candy (2), and Princess (3) were over by the fence staring at Joker and now that he was awake he stared right back at them, so I checked the pulsar to make sure it was still working and moved the wires, so they could all get back together again which made everyone very happy. :D

Red and the hens were happy to be outside this morning, you’d think I was late letting them out, even though I was early, by the amount of noise they made while I was opening the little coop before heading over and opening theirs. :D

A couple of the chicks heading over for their morning chat with the hens. :D

We had one chick that thought long and hard about taking a swim in the pond, with the hens “egging” her on, but she “chickened” out, LOL. :D Sorry I couldn’t resist, LOL. :D

Then I headed off to open the chicken coops and feed Billy (1) and Joel (2), here they are enjoying their breakfast and walking through their water dish, silly piglets. :D

I felt like I was being watched and turned around to find this silly chick staring at me very intently and she didn’t budge even when I grabbed my phone to take this picture, LOL. :D

Its going to be a quiet, well relatively quiet day on the homestead, other than the barking when the garbage man comes later this morning, I mean, I’ll be spending my relaxing and playing my favorite Blizzard Game, World of Warcraft (WoW), there’s so much to see and do, so many places to explore in the new expansion. :D Look at what my screen message was as the game was loading this morning, “Thank you for playing World of Warcraft! You rock!”, that’s nice of them to put that message in there. :D

Here’s the new expansion screen, very cool artwork, love the lizard person, haven’t come across them yet in the game, but hopefully soon, and hopefully they aren’t too tough. :D

The herd having their pre-supper nap in the front yard under the apple trees. :D

Supper time for Belle (1), Joker (2), Buddy (3), Leroy (4), Candy (5), and Princess (6). :D

Sunset 1.

Sunset 2.

Sunset 3.

Sunset 4.

Sunset 5.

Sunset 6.

Sunset 7.

Sunset 8.
Well that was our day here. How is/was yours? I hope you have/had an awesome day! :D

Anyone else interested in a badge like this? Contact @daddykirbs for a custom badge of your own. :D


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Nice weather there now Frosty, 25 C perfect.
Just dropping by to say hello to you and to your boys and girls.
I'm just busy lately:( thinking of you always xoxo
Have a great day xoxo

Welcome back lovely lady! :D Thanks for visiting. :D
Yes it was a nice day weather-wise, no complaints from me. :D I'm so glad you had a few minutes to spare and decided to visit me. :D I will say hello to them all for you. :D My husband thinks I'm a bit crazy for conversing with them all, but I've caught him doing the exact same thing, so that means we're perfect for each other right, LOL. :D
Sending you hugs, love, and positive vibes to you and your wonderful family, hopefully things will slow down a bit for you soon. :D
God bless you and your fantastic family. :D Have an awesome day my fabulous friend! :D

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