Ulog 7: Kindness

in #ulog6 years ago

Elizabeth Lawrence.jpg

Today I've been thinking a lot about the importance of kindness.

Sad to say, I've been thinking about it because of the lack of it I've witnessed in certain situations this week. I want to hasten to add that these have not necessarily been situations I've been directly involved with - and they haven't been here on Steemit- but in 'real' life.

The really sad thing is - it seems that kindness has become outmoded. An annoyance. An out of date concept that has become worn out and isn't worth the time it takes. How very very sad. Have we really become too busy to be kind?

I believe that kindness is at the very heart of life. It is what fuels us. It's what brings us warmth to our heart and joy to our soul.

Kindness costs nothing, and it means everything.
Kindness can save lives.

I have seen a great deal of kindness here on Steemit. Today is my 3rd week-aversary of joining the platform, and the kindness I have witnessed and personally received here has changed my life. I mean it. It has helped me surface through a thick layer of grief and find my creativity again. It has meant that I have reached out and begun to make friendships here that I hope will last a lifetime.

I have seen completely selfless acts of kindness on here every single day. Encouragement, love, respect, empathy and joy.

I would like to challenge you all to undertake 3 acts of kindness every day:

  1. An act of kindness here on Steemit - this can be to someone you already know, or someone you don't - but let it be something completely beautiful and selfless.
  2. An act of kindness in your real life - as above - choose anyone you like.
  3. An act of kindness to yourself. Yes, you. Because if you are kind to yourself in thought and deed, I promise you, your life will transform.

Every day for a week, and see how your life changes, and perhaps feel how you are changing lives.

If you'd like to, come back and tell me about what you have been up to in the comments - I'd love to hear.

All my love,
Eveningart x



I agree completely - kindness cost nothing and takes no more time than being unkind. It is choosing your attitude and being 'mindful' of how that effects others.

@ydraz makes a good point. It is easy to get caught up in a cycle of cause and effect. I am having a bad day so I am going to take it out on someone who in turn takes it out on someone else.

Turn it on its head by spreading sunshine instead! A smile, and thank you. Going the extra mile for someone. It makes YOU feel good too!

So true Jennifer- and yet it is way way to easily to take the negative. I always remember that thing of "it takes less muscles to smile than to frown". Being naturally lazy - this appeals to me.

I think we are all guilty of forgetting to be kind at times - but remembering to be so each day can change your life, I'm sure of it. Thank you for your lovely comment.
E x

This is so true. How simple and quick is it... to just be kind?

and so many people just won't take the time to do it.

Even when someone comes across as nasty or abrasive - I always FIRST try to respond in kindness. We just don't know what they're dealing with. Some people have real social issues that don't let them see how they're perceived!

love this @eveningart :)

Gah - I just lost my answer to you... but it's something along the lines of...

Thank you so much! You're right, it is incredibly simple- but sadly so often forgotten- like it has gone out of fashion... like it's too much trouble.

You are one of the kindest people I've ever met- it's you and the rest of my WelcomeWagon team who inspired me to write this piece. You're all an amazing example of how kindness can change a life.

E x

A lovely idea @eveningart - I hope everyone reads this and tries to be kinder :)

Thank you lovely. I hope so too - would make for a rather wonderful place wouldn't it :)
E x

I'm a strong believer in kindness. You can make someone's day with a smile and a kind word. I wasn't always kind, I had a distinctly unkind phase in my teens and I was distinctly miserable, caught up in a vicious circle of cause and effect. I know that's not uncommon but I'm so glad I found my peace and ability to be kind again later on.

It is so rewarding to know that you've made someone's day a little easier rather than tougher, and a little warmer and more beautiful. It can spread optimism and increase someone's self-worth and confidence. It can make a huge difference in that person's achievements and emotional well-being on that day, and one act of kindness can even have a long-lasting positive effect.

Thank you for encouraging everyone to be kind. Every little bit of extra kindness makes the world a better place. xx

Thank you for such a lovely comment.

You're right, I think that is really common as a teenager- it's that time in life where you test all the boundaries- and that is often one of them! The key thing is that we can all change in the course of a day. That's all it takes- awareness and mindfully being kind.

And you're right- kindness can make someone's life a little easier, brighter and warmer - and I'm seeing this all the time here on Steemit. I truly believe that it can change someone's life. Imagine that- one small act of kindness today could change someone's life forever. Wow.

Sending you lots of love this Sunday,
E xx

It genuinely makes me happy when people are kind, not just to each other, but to animals too. I try to do at least one kind thing in a day no matter how small it is. I feed street dogs whenever I can and try to help people out whenever they need me.
Over the years I've learned that most people who are kind to others for no reason, are the ones who've suffered in their lives the most.

That's really lovely that you support those dogs the way you do!

It makes me so happy to hear about and see kindeness. I think for some people it comes naturally but for others, they need to get into the habit consciously. E x

Kindness goes a long way, it opens so many doors even when we do not expect it. Thank you for such a lovely read this morning 💚

Hi @zen-art - thanks so much for stopping by. Yes you're so right- and I think that the 'not-expecting' part of it is the most valuable part of the experience- both in giving and receiving it. It can turn your world around. Thank you for the lovely comment - and have a wonderful weekend. E x

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