ULOG: #3 - Why are haters hatin'?

in #ulog6 years ago (edited)

Some of you may have seen that I have a rather modest YouTube channel called An Expat in Panama, which I had started 2 years ago to offer advice to future expats. I started it for fun because I included my friends in my videos, and didn't do it to become a YT celebrity. I mean, who gets famous talking about Panama anyway?

When I started this YT venture, I knew that I would attract haters of some sort. I mean no matter what you post on these social media platforms, there will always be trolls, who, hiding behind their anonymity find the courage to simply insult a perfect stranger for no good reason.

My hubby was afraid anyone might hurt my feelings, and warned me that some people may have negative comments, but I couldn't care less. Sometimes I read them and they crack me up. They don't get under my skin because I don't know the authors of these comments, and they don't know me. So why would this even affect me? I expect trolls to visit my channel, and have a golden rule to never ever, no matter what, respond to their provocations. Nothing shuts up a troll faster than ignoring him or her.

I don't know why, but somehow YouTube is a platform that is extra loaded with trolls. My guess is, these people are bitter losers or bored kids with nothing better to do in life.

I can't help but wonder...

Why are trolls doing what they do? How do they get a thrill out of insulting random people?

It must be like when we were kids and dialed random phone numbers, and played jokes on people. Or when we rang a doorbell, and then ran away to hide. Only the adult version is on the internet and has more vulgarity, but I imagine it must be similar. Only when I did this, I was 11 years old....

Yesterday morning, I opened my emails and got the following YouTube notification:


I thought oh nice, nobody has called me a cunt before! I guess there's always a first. I have also been called racist for making a video about racism. Someone even called me a stupid black bitch (that idiot clearly didn't watch the video!).

In the past I have received other troll comments that were not bad I must say, some even make the effort to write a whole paragraph. Sometimes that paragraph doesn't make much sense (maybe they're intoxicated?) and you have to read it several times to kind of get it . Kind of like a speech from a guy who has really bad hair and also happens to be president (you can guess his name), just more vulgar.


I picture some illiterate hillbilly typing profanities all while trying to sound real smart. The same kind that wanted to bomb Irak because they had nukelar weapons and refuse to read fake news. The same kind that says global warming is a hoax and all of this is them liberals scheming to get their ways.


Steemit on the other hand (and of course d.tube and dlive) are much friendlier. Either the intellectual level of its users is a lot higher, or people care a whole lot more about their rep than on YouTube. After all, here people have a lot to lose if they are hated by other members. No followers means no dough, and hating on people isn't so lucrative.

Anyways, I personally find trolls entertaining (besides the ones posting steak pictures in my vegan group, they are just plain boring!). I sure hope they find some meaning in their pathetic lives, because right now, it must suck being them. To everyone else, I wish you all to have a great day, and if you have a (nice) comment for me, I'd be happy to read it!


This post was made from https://ulogs.org

eve signature.png


This is such an interesting post. I've often wondered why people do this- whether there's a 'type' of person who get a kick out of it, or if it's completely random. I bet in future they'll isolate a 'troll' gene which means that person is pre-disposed to be a doofus online.

Ooh I just thought- there's a great novel called The Cows that I read recently where there's a really unlikely character who is a troll- interesting read!

E x

P.S Good for you for not letting them get under your skin. Best. Attitude. Ever. x

LOL yeah I think they have to have really low IQ, maybe in addition to the troll gene LOL. Thanks for stopping by!

Oh those silly folks. I don't think many realize they generally are just inadvertently confirming our points with their comments. I definitely think it means you are touching a nerve and making people think! I'm just glad I'm still enough of a small fry that I haven't received much negativity online. Though I'll try to remember your outlook if I ever do. ;)

yes I think you are right! Same with the vegan haters =)

I forget at times how toxic social media can be, we think things can get bad here, yet a quick gander into the comment section of anyone with a strong opinion on youtube will show you otherwise.

I think its an indulgence of the ego. Meaning, that those people get a chance to explore emotions that give them an ego boost, just in the sense that they can inflate their sense of relevance and agency.

I try not to be bothered, as the old saying goes... if no one dislikes you, you are doing something wrong.

I totally agree with you, I'm always a bit happy that I pissed them off =)

Interesting article Eve. I haven´t been that active on other social media so my experience with these anonymous trolls is insignificant but over the past years, I have had some conflicts with people I know (in some cases since childhood, in some cases even close friends) that eventually resulted in similar attacks. I guess it is often caused just by the fact that you are different from them in a way... I am still learning how to approach these situations though as it is pretty new to me... Anyway, keep ignoring those trolls and just carry on doing the awesome job here on Steemit and wherever you have an account ;)

oh in my case I'm lucky not to know them. I don't think they would dare doing that if they knew me in person =). Sucks that you know people like that...I would also just ignore them I guess, although in your case it's a little more personal and difficulty not to respond.

Ugh! I've never understood this type of behavior either. Might as well shrug it off because you know they are just looking for a reaction. It's sad and pathetic.

exactly, lol. They honestly make me laugh. It's like children throwing insults at each other.

Your reaction is the best, just laugh at them! Because you couldn't possibly take such stupid people seriously, and I think this reaction irritates them more.
My dad does humorous poetry on steemit, he calls himself @beastlybanter. Even if poetry is not your thing, you might enjoy his last one called "Irritate An Idiot Day" its based on an experience he had when he was driving with my kids and I in the car together.

LOL nice!!! Will check out your dad for sure =)

I think that these people have lots of problems and can't deal with them so they try to make other people feel bad. I think it kind of make them feel good and not worthless.

Anyway, it's a good strategy to ignore them. I can't help but I feel sorry for them. What kind of life do they have if they're so full with hate?

I believe that people are naturally good. Something must happen in their lives to become so hateful and disrespectful.

As you say they do this in anonymity. I'm sure many of them are shy and quiet people in the real life.

Don't get discouraged by them and keep posting! 😊

Thanks @delishtreats =). No worries they don't discourage me. I also feel bad for them in a way...

It is pretty silly isn't it?

On one hand, it can be lifeless shut-ins looking to make an impact on the world from their comfy basements.

It could be a shy person who never has any conflict and resorts to causing some where there are next to no repercussions.


One of the things I have found is that, being the whitest guy you probably know, and having a profound appreciation for the differences in anyone, I am bombarded by guilt for my white privilege. Like my support for any sexuality or religion, colour to me is just something else to appreciate.

I do hate it when it is tossed in my face when I am thinking, "Hey dood I am on your side." I am sure there are some people in between getting tired of being vilified for crimes they didn't commit (knowingly?) and are just handling it inappropriately.

Anyhow, the bigger and better you get, the more haters you gonna get so it is a right of passage!

ah don't let your white privilege make you feel guilty. You didn't do anything wrong, and if you are recognizing that you do indeed have this white privilege, that's all that matters! The worst is when people deny that there's a race issue.

Well I was raised catholic so guilt is beat into me. I will just use it to make sure I never forget and keep doing what it takes to make sure people get treated equally.

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