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RE: My Lucidity on Lucid Dreaming Has Gone to Hell

in #ulog6 years ago

FOR TSE: The last time I was in the hospital (and if it's the last time ever, that will be ok with me), I told the anaesthesiologist not to load me up with pain medication before I came to. Pain medication and I don't do well together ... and I said to him "I'm willing to trade considerable discomfort for greater lucidity."

He gave me a very odd look, like he couldn't believe what I just said.

I don't know if it was because most people want all the pain meds they can get -- or if he couldn't believe I'd just used that word. Lucidity.

Whatever. I get that a lot.

On the subject of lucid dreaming (and dreaming in general), they have always fascinated me. I've only had a few in my life and they were all short. As if, the moment I realized I was "awake in the dream" -- it was so exciting it brought everything crashing to a close.

I remember in one, I was rushing around late for something important -- and I thought to myself, Well, since this is just a dream, I'll turn the clock back a couple of hours and everything will be fine.

I try to cultivate them every so often, but lately without much success. I think I'm too tired usually to pay much attention. But, as I said, they fascinate me. The chance to explore alternate levels of reality is explicitly on my To-Do List -- being one of those goofy New Age types myself and all ... dontcha know. (smile)

Good to see you writing again. I've thought several times of dropping you a note or two in Discord to see how things are. But time gets away from me -- and I know you're still healing. So I send love several times a day -- for you to use PRN. I hope you're collecting it regularly -- and the packages aren't just cluttering up your front porch, although it has an infinite shelf-life, so I guess there's no hurry.

Just shoved another hefty bundle your way. Be well.


now, I never said New Agers were goofy.. although.. there can be some fun in being goofy I hear. I expect the anaesthesiologist was startled at your declining a load of pain meds AND the use of the word lucidity. He likely had to check his funk and wagnall asap to even know what you said.

Ah, and now I know where the packages have been arriving from. I have to be careful when I open the door, Hobo is constantly on the lookout for new things to use as toys. He may have got one or two which is what is making him such a sweet little guy.

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